Thursday, February 06, 2020

The Chinese Electrical System: The Battle Between Over Supply and Blackouts.

During the last few weeks in China, it must have been a  historic emergency reduction with grid loads caused by the lockdowns and lost of businesses. Generally large scale blackouts are caused by a drastic and unexspected lost of grid loads. The grid electric frequency jumps up tripping many power plants in a attempt to protect components in plant. Then the grid collapses. Hopefully this allows the electrcity to be restored quickly.  So far you got to give the Chinese great credit for not collapsing the grid on over frequency.

Is blackouts on the way? How are you at  maintaining the employees who run the plants and grids during pandemic conditions?  These massively complex systems that are maintained by highly educated and skilled people. They are irreplacable. This already got to be consuming lots of employees in many ways. Many are now sick, dead, terrified and everyone is severely worried about their  families?

What is the long term strategy with maintaining this national security employee base?

US hospital electric codes dictates they have emergency power supplies such as diesel generators. Does China have the same codes? What if a grossly over loaded hospital loses their electricity? Do they have backup power supplied? Does the grid authorities have a strategy to keep the electricity suppied to the hospitals in a grid emergency. A priorization strategy?  There are  a lots of societal vital needs that need electricity like everything gasoline and diesel especially at the gas station level.  Society would collapse if there were no electricity.

Maybe China needs a boat load of big diesel generator?

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