Monday, February 03, 2020

Is Coronavirus a "Deep Impact" Movie Kind of Situation

*So what percentage of the total population catches the virus: NIH doctor says 25% of coronavirus cases in China are ‘very serious,’ requiring ‘intensive care’

*Wouldn't the Trump folks up to playing politics on the Chinese coronavirus? Notice the Chinese term for it is a political virus. Can you imagine what the coronavirus political virus would look like in our highly partisan USA environment?      
Geopolitics of epidemic: Is U.S. using 2019-nCoV to impose 'sanctions' against China?
By Abhishek G Bhaya

Is the U.S. exploiting the coronavirus outbreak to subtly put in place a sanctions-like regime against China? The promptness with which the U.S. has gone about imposing extensive travel restrictions in the aftermath of the outbreak – despite the World Health Organization's (WHO) advice to the contrary – has triggered global panic and identical response by a host of countries, deepening China's isolation.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross gleefully rejoiced at the prospect of global companies leaving China that "could bring jobs back to the U.S." – isn't that a key strategic objective of President Donald Trump's trade war against Beijing? – indicating clearly that Washington's decisions are more geopolitical than a reasonable preventive response to an epidemic.
A glance at Trump's older tweets makes it clear that it has been the U.S. President's dream to hurt Beijing economically by pulling out American companies from manufacturing in China. Analysts feel that the U.S. would not hesitate to exploit China's vulnerability in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

Screenshots of U.S. President Donald Trump's old tweets.
Beijing has protested against the U.S. travel advisory saying, "It is certainly not a gesture of goodwill." While Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai, in response to Ross' comments, warned against a "political virus" that could create a hurdle between the two countries from working together, Chinese experts have also insisted that the coronavirus is a health issue and not a political game.
The WHO has declared the novel coronavirus, designated 2019-nCoV, a global health emergency, but at the same time, the UN body's emergency committee found no reason for countries to impose travel or trade restrictions against China...

I find it preposterous we don't know how dangerous this virus is. Everyone throughout the world keeps saying the same thing: we are waiting for a comprehensive analysis with its dangerousness.  Lets imagine  if the fatality rate was say between 25 to 50% and extraordinarily catchy...the Deep Impart scenario. What benefit would it be for governments to admit how bad it going to be in a years time? You know they would lie to us if they knew it all was going to lead to the destruction of governments all though the world? I feel they would lie to us until the evidence  of the extent of this was clear to everyone. 
A video apparently filmed in No 5 Wuhan hospital went viral showing body bags in a bus, and a man weeping next to his dead father. In the video, the person filming says: “So many people just died. There are so many dead bodies … they are still moving bodies.
I am watching very carefully to see if countries' roll out their military to quell Coronavirus destabilization. Honestly, god bless our military if it comes to that. 

Maybe the Black Death and middle ages plague has something to teach us.  

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