Tuesday, February 25, 2020

First City In USA Declares a Coronavirus State of Emergency

San Francisco declares local emergency amid coronavirus outbreak
AN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — San Francisco Mayor London Breed declared a local emergency Tuesday amid the global coronavirus outbreak.

This declaration will help the city get resources they need to respond to an outbreak.

“We need to allocate more resources to make sure that we are prepared,” Breed said in a news conference Tuesday afternoon. “This declaration is all about preparedness.”

Three people have been treated for the coronavirus in the city. None of the patients are San Francisco residents.

Two patients from San Benito County were hospitalized in San Francisco. They have since been discharged in good health and are no longer in the city.

Another patient who tested positive for the virus was brought to the city from Travis Air Force Base, where the patient was quarantined after leaving a cruise ship.

Santa Clara County, where there are two confirmed coronavirus cases, has also declared a local emergency due to the outbreak.

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