Monday, January 27, 2020

Two People In New Hamshire Are Sick and Being Tested For Coronavirus

Jan 30

*Two just showed negative. I guessed wrong!

*I am thinking if the test was negative the results would have came yesterday. The delayed reporting is caused by a positive test...they are doing some background work. The officialdom and politicians wants their best face on when they declare. This kind of behavior facilities broad mistrust!!! 

*Thought we would get the results yesterday. Typically the public relation people and top agency people does the notifications to the public. The PR and senior people often time are way behind the guys in the lab. So this delay reporting might be something about this. I PR guys often times gives plausible deniability and fake delayed reporting to outsiders. All these people sometimes key off there own agenda. So there is miscommunication given for nefarious purposes and communications that just got boggled. This whole thing is being given based on personal, organization and political agendas. Most poeple are highly trained to just give the public the happyland news 

Jan 29

*Waiting for the testing results? The length of time will tell us the condition of the CDC's testing capability? 

Jan 28 

*So why is NH reactive, while Florida is presumptive , on the possibility of being infected by the coronavirus. Both are school environments. The parents in the Littleton boarding school must be going out of their minds!!!

*Does this pertain to Littleton NH:  TOKYO - The government confirmed three more cases in Japan of the new coronavirus on Tuesday, including a tour bus driver who has never been to the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of the deadly virus began in a seafood and poultry market.

The bus driver in his 60s became the first Japanese to be infected with the virus in Japan, the health ministry said. He drove two groups of Chinese tourists from Wuhan earlier this month.

The findings bring the total number of confirmed infections in Japan to seven.

The tour bus made a round trip between Tokyo and Osaka during the period between Jan. 8 and 16, the ministry said.

*I am wondering how this site got the Concord Hospital is where the second patient is located: Although Vermont has no suspected cases of the new coronavirus, officials report that two potential cases are being monitored at hospitals in Littleton and Concord, New Hampshire.

* So the NH and the Hospital officials says risk is zero in NH, but the World Health Organization says NH and the USA is at a high risk. What a bunch of con operators. Come on this in WHO's internal politics: The World Health Organization (WHO) said Monday the global risk from the deadly coronavirus was “high,” admitting it made a mistake in previous reports that rated the risk of the virus as “moderate.”

The United Nations health body said in a situation report published Sunday that the risk was “very high in China, high at the regional level and high at the global level,” and explained in a footnote there had been an error in reports published Thursday, Friday and Saturday which incorrectly said the global risk was “moderate.”

WHO last week decided not to declare the virus an international public health emergency. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Thursday, “This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency.”

The agency noted that the mistake made in three of its situation reports was the result of an “error in the wording.” 

*Confirmation is a strange word. It reads to me they had a quick first test that was positive and they are waiting for the CDC test to come back for verification. I see they are testing all the staff of the school, what about students? These newspapers have to be careful with their words or they will cause a panic. I am happy the results are coming back today. 
Hospital official expect to receive confirmation Tuesday from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as to whether a 19- year old patient who recently returned from China is carrying the coronavirus.
*Well, we got some answers. It is horrific this is a school child. You notice they haven't put the rest of the school population under strict monitoring and isolation, and all the children and teachers who came in contact with the child. We are just a too decent country to contain the contagion. Imagine how terrified the parents are right now. So its been approximately 17 days since he has been back to the USA and he has been shedding viruses like hell the whole time. People who get infected almost start infecting other people emediately and it passes by saliva too? Now the regular flu season is raging. Is it the regular flu or the deadly virus? Tell me, what now happens if twenty children in Littleton comes with the Wuhan flu in the next two weeks. We are playing with a thermonuclear bomb here as one expert explain. The big deal here is, we are treating this as we always have in the past. What if the past holds no clue how the future plays out? That is what a novel contagion does. We are replaying the China horror show! It sounds like one is related to the other?       
Littleton Regional Healthcare
8 hours ago
At the 113th Littleton Regional Healthcare annual meeting, the following announcement was made to alleviate concerns from community members.
If they think this will alleviate community concern they are crazy. It did all but that! It sound like there is tremendous community angst over this already! 
On Thursday, January 23, 2020, a student from White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH presented at the Littleton Regional Healthcare (LRH) emergency department with mild flu-like symptoms. The student had traveled to Hunan, China in December returning to the US on January 6, 2020.
The intensive care room is a big concern. Is the child really sick with pneumonia. On a ventilator? Does anyone got a clue with how much hospital resources taking care of this child it will take?   
Following the CDC guidelines for infection control, the patient has been placed in a negative pressure intensive care room for treatment to prevent cross-contamination to other areas of the hospital. LRH is also following the CDC recommended standard, contact, and airborne precautions for healthcare providers.
How are you going to handle your first case of coronavirus? Is there any roadmap how to do this? Remember this virus is defined by the experts as a SUPER-SPREEDER. This little hospital and town is way out of their league. 
LRH is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control to determine whether or not this is a confirmed case of the Coronavirus. LRH was informed today at the CDC would not be providing a diagnosis for at least 24 – 48 hours.
There will be no further announcements related to this issue until LRH receives a diagnosis from the CDC.
LRH officials ask that the media respect the privacy of all patients at LRH. Questions should be directed to the PR department at or by calling 603.444.9304. 
*Two people who recently returned from Wuhan City China are sick and being testing for the coronavirus. 

It is utterly outrageous they haven't disclosed what NH city or town they live in. 

“The risk to our communities in New Hampshire is low, but we want to identify people who may be infected with this new coronavirus in order to prevent spread,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan. 

What proof does Doctor Chan have the risk is low and they haven't been dangerous to their community? If the doctor would have said these two individuals are presumed to have coronavirus, he would have saved lives by making the community and state nervous about the upcoming virus pandemic in the early stage.

The CDC is the only facility in USA who does coronavirus testing and they are already backed up to the hilt. Due diligence demands he understands the limitation of the CDC and he asked them how long will it take to get the test result back. 

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