Monday, March 16, 2020

Stock Market Signals They Understands The Scale of the Pandemic Next Week

*Down 3000 points today. Second worst down day in history. 

*Down 8% today at 2250 points. Circuit breaker tripped. Feds dropped interest rates now to zero yesterday and other things to support the stock market. It didn't work a planed, everyone interprets the move as hell is on the way to the USA. Our whole population is terrified. Hoarding and panic buying at the supermarkets are everywhere. Empty shelves at supermarkets. Everything is shut down in the USA. Most of our schools. Our financial system is freezing up...the business cable channel are increasing talking a depression. What is occurring all around our nation is something we never see in history before. The dollar is weakening and they don't know how low it will go. Everyone realizes our hospitals throughout our nation are going to collapse. All the states are in a state of emergency and so is our nation. This freeze-up took longer that I thought.
First posted on 1/25 and re-posted on March 16, 2020.

March 12

Dow Down 2350 points...10%. Worst point decline ever and worst percentage decline since Black Monday 1987.

In the United States, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell exactly 508 points (22.6%).[2] This was the largest one-day percentage drop in history.

Feb 24

Almost a month later they are finally get it:

*Coronavirus cases surge in Italy, Iran, South Korea

*The Dow was down 1000 points today over the upcoming coronavirus pandemic. They finally get it.  

Update Jan 27

Dow futures sink more than 400 points as coronavirus cases rise

*If the stock market understands the scale with the Pandemic, it will be down 3000 to 4000 points by the end of next week. It will be down my one half the current value in six months. 

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