Saturday, January 25, 2020

Harvard Expert Calls Coronavirus Outbreak 'Thermonuclear Pandemic Level Bad'

This is why the lockdown is so severe. This lockdown is just for show. When the fatality numbers comes in within a few weeks as  catastrophic, they will say we tried as hard as we can to contain the pandemic with the lockdowns. They are worrying in a few months about their governance ability. Where will the panic lead them. Would you lie your ass off for future governance? 

Oh, This is going to be a very bad week for the stock market. 

This makes our Constitution crisis on the scale of things as insignificant.

Harvard expert calls coronavirus outbreak 'thermonuclear pandemic level bad'
An expert advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) has described the coronavirus outbreak as potentially "thermonuclear pandemic level bad".

Dr Feigl-Ding is a health expert at Harvard University and has a dual doctorate in epidemiology and nutrition.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - the new coronavirus is a 3.8!!! How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad - never seen an actual virality coefficient outside of Twitter in my entire career. I’m not exaggerating...

Some folks think I'm trying to incite fear. I'm not trying - I'm a scientist. This [virus] is serious."
"Let's hope it doesn't reach that level but we now live in the modern world with faster [planes and trains] than 1918."
The Spanish Flu wasn't as contagious as 2019-nCoV appears to be, with patients only infecting about two others on average - and it killed possibly as many as 50 million people.
Dr Feigl-Ding called on WHO to declare an emergency "ASAP". WHO last week said it was "too soon" to declare an emergency. They're set to meet again this week to reevaluate that decision

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