Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mike Mulligan Resigns From Thew NECNP Decommissioning Panel

Michael Mulligan <>
Nov 21 at 2:42 PM

Dear Ms. Cartwright,

So after all the missing members of NorthStar group, why didn't you call around to the missing members to understand why everyone was missing? Because your communications skills suck and its so unreliable. I can see this kind of crap happening  to the nuclear site is clear. Did Nothrstar pick you guys because the NECNP is such a bungler? 
The NECNP is so erratic and incompetent and NorthStar is making as much hay out it as they can.     
I am afraid all that's going to happen is arguing and fighting between the members and very few people showing up. You guys are going to ruin my reputation. I hereby resign NDCAP. Please remove my email address from you advertising list. 


Mike Mulligan 
Hinsdale, NH

Nov 21 at 12:26 PM

Dear Friends, 

I write today to inform you of the next meeting of the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (NDCAP) regarding Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. As many of you know, although the reactor has closed, it is currently in the process of being decommissioned by its new licensee, NorthStar. NDCAP meets to learn about what is occurring at the site and to inform the public of such. NDCAP's role is limited and advisory in nature. For now this is more or less the only way the public has of learning about the status of the site. We continue to support NDCAP's work. 

For some reason or reasons people have stopped attending these NDCAP meetings and it may indicate to NorthStar and the State that the public has lost interest at this important juncture in Vermont Yankee matters. In fact our very own Clay Turnbull was the only member of the public to attend the last meeting of NDCAP held on October 16. Thank you, Clay!

We implore you to make every effort to attend the next meeting of the NDCAP.

WHEN: December 5, 2019 from 6pm to 9pm
WHERE: Brattleboro Area Middle School, Brattleboro, Vermont

The backstory: New England Coalition fought hard to convince NorthStar to agree to a public participation process. Why a separate process? Especially since NDCAP was created with the input of Entergy we wanted to give the public an opportunity to influence issues and not simply report out on them. Of course this influence would remain consistent with our mission of striving for the betterment of human and environmental health.

We are in regular contact with NorthStar about the specifics of this public participation process. Know it has been slow to manifest due to the complexities of getting it right.

Please attend this meeting of NDCAP. Let us demonstrate public interest in the clean-up which will in turn aid our continuing efforts to create a body of citizen watchdogs who will monitor and negotiate the clean-up of this radioactive waste site (NDCAP has not and will not).
The NECNP now needs to be removed from NorthStar decommission panel. They have shown themselves to be too disorganized and erratic to run this panel.    
More backstory: the new NDCAP chair, a member of the Vernon Selectboard, was publicly reported as saying the NDCAP needed to dissolve. The agenda of this NDCAP meeting includes restructuring the NDCAP!

On another note I want to report the Coalition is considering filing an action regarding the degrading concrete at Seabrook Nuclear Power Station in Seabrook, New Hampshire and we want to open dialogue with our membership regarding the Coalition's role in Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Waterford, Connecticut. 

Lorie Cartwright

The New England Coalition has been the people’s advocate for safe energy since 1971. The Coalition was founded by several groups of citizens and scientists concerned about the nation’s growing civilian nuclear power program. Our mission has not changed: we investigate the safety, suitability, and environmental effects of nuclear power plants; we participate in government hearings; and we inform the public and government agencies of the hazards and risks of nuclear power. A combination of the NEC’s network of technical advisors, engineers, lawyers, students, activists and citizens, and the many years of experience and document collection, has earned the Coalition the respect of industry, government and citizens’ groups. They are currently involved in issues about the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee. 

We are a 501(c)(3) and any donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance.

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