Wednesday, September 11, 2019

More Manufacturing Problems with Steam Generators and Reactor Vessels

Update Sept 13

Burnell, Scott

Thu, Sep 12, 11:55 AM (19 hours ago)

to me, OPA

Hello Mike;

The NRC continues await more information on the issue, so it would be premature for the agency to draw any conclusions. To this point no vendor has filed a Part 21 report regarding Framatome’s statement. Thank you.

Scott Burnell

Public Affairs Officer

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Mike Mulligan <>

Thu, Sep 12, 7:18 PM (12 hours ago)

to Scott

That is a blatant copout. You could make a request on a regulator to regulator bases to get information about this.
***EDF/ Framatome Saint Marcel factory SG Problem

Mike Mulligan <>

11:25 AM (1 hour ago)

to OPA

OPA Resource <>

Sep 11 at 10:18 AM

Mr. Douglas, 
Could we get a public notification and a explanation surrounding the Saint Marcel manufacturing problems with SGs and other large components? I am thinking on your web page and Facebook. Could I speak to a expert concerning this? Could this be going on at other SG manufacturing facilities throughout the world for US plants? I know Prairie Island's SG's came from Saint Marcel and it fits the time frame. Could we get a list of US plants and components that came out of Saint Marcel factory? I hope the NRC has notified the appropriate plants they may defective SGs and other components in their plants? With the Areva  hydrogen flaking with vessels and now this, it questions the quality of components coming from Framatome.

I screwed up. I gave you the wrong e-mail address. Well actually your NRC'c virus protection won't accept some yahoo emails because of credibility issues...spam. Instead of using would you use from now on.

I just want to thank you for being a US government employee during these tumultuous times in our nation's history. Keep holding your head up high? 

Mike Mulligan 
Hinsdale, NH

***Made at the Saint Marcel factory in France? 
The ASN was not immediately available for comment, but Frederic Menage, head of nuclear safety at ASN’s technical arm IRSN, told Reuters the weldings problems affected mainly EDF reactors whose steam generators had been replaced since 2008, notably its older 900 megawatt reactors.
I don't know what "notably its older 900 megawatt" means. I read it as saying their older reactors at around 900 megawatts. There is no doubt Framatone would do everything they could to not get their American SGs involved unless it was pried out of them. They are differently not saying there is no American SGs involved. That is why we must get the NRC involved. All I want them to say is no American SGs are involved...

Update: Vogtle 3 and 4 SGs didn't get produced by Framatone. 

(Vogtle 3 and 4: AP1000)
...EDF warns of problems with nuclear reactor components

The energy giant didn’t, however, say if any of the reactors will have to be halted 

By Priyanka Shrestha
More Articles

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Image: Olrat/Shutterstock

French energy giant EDF has warned several of its nuclear reactors may have problems with weldings and other components.

In a statement published on its website, EDF said nuclear reactor company Framatome – formerly called AREVA – informed it of a “deviation from technical standards” in the manufacturing of certain components on reactors that are currently in operation.

EDF holds a majority stake in Framatome, which owns a factory that supplies heavy equipment for the French nuclear industry and has provided components for 106 reactors worldwide.

The energy giant didn’t, however, say if any of the reactors will have to be halted.

The statement adds: “Relating to standards associated with the manufacturing process, the deviation concerns an excursion from temperature ranges in certain areas during manufacturing operations, more specifically involving detensioning heat treatment on some steam generator welds.

“It concerns in-service components as well as new components which have not yet have been installed on any sites.”

Reports suggest the news has sparked the biggest daily fall in the company’s shares in nearly two years.

More than 71% of the electricity production in France comes form nuclear power plants, according to statistics from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last year.

EDF is currently leading a project to build reactors at the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in Somerset in the UK.

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