Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cooper Plant Cyberly Attacked By The Russians

Ok, obsolete plants like this generally got a ancient mainframe covered by a airgap. But all it takes in one disgruntle computer guy to override this. And we know Americans are highly susceptible to economic blackmail. Who even knows what off site contractors could bring into a plant. Outsides have no idea how prevalent this is because of so much secrecy. There is no doubt the transmission breakers around the plant are effected and ISOs in the systems.    

U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid

When General Nakasone took over both Cyber Command and the N.S.A. a year ago, his staff was assessing Russian hackings on targets that included the Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, which runs a nuclear power plant near Burlington, Kan., as well as previously unreported attempts to infiltrate Nebraska Public Power District’s Cooper Nuclear Station, near Brownville. The hackers got into communications networks, but never took over control systems.

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