Tuesday, April 23, 2019

HInsdale NH Needs Traffic and Secuity Cams

...my proposal to precipitously reduce the crime in Hinsdale. It would probably fund the system with the reduction of crime. We should emediately install 10 or 20 traffic cams at strategic points in Hinsdale. They got these guys on the roof the Hinsdale police department.  I see absolutely no constitutional issues here. The bigger and metallic shinier the unit the better. A fake traffic cam would decline crime also.  This could be a model for all our towns in the area.  

Maybe federal or state funding or help?    
  • We could crowdsource the output of the cameras to everyone in Hinsdale 

  • Police management could better manage their police officer resources. It would keep everyone on their toes.

  •  It could be force multiplier or maximizer for our police department.we could have figured out who that murder was and where is was going at a much earlier point 

  • We could have figured out who that murder was and where is was going at a much earlier point

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