Thursday, March 28, 2019

Where Were You During Three Mile Island


I wouldn't see my wife until about 1982. She was a secretary at a local trailer park. I'd have to pay my rent to her. We stuck up a conversation and she invited me to play poker with a work friend during lunch. Playing poker with her during lunch then became habit. I didn't know she was in the army and still in the reserves. Joanne seemed to be sophisticated beyond her age. She took so much money out of my pockets, I had to take her out for date...  

***I was on a experimental Fast Attack Submarine on a national security mission in the Mediterranean. I was nearing getting out of the Navy. Heard about it weeks after it occurred. 

My wife was in Army in Germany as a military policeman in the "Big Red One". Her unit was called up during the Iranian crisis to the Czechoslovakian-Germany boarder. The job of the Big Red One during the cold war was to be a sacrificial human trip wire. This is the country I once knew. Their job at the Czechoslovakian boarder was to get annihilated guaranteeing a full scale US military responce to the Ruskies if they tried to bulldoze Germany and Europe again. My little Joanne the teacher today?

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