Friday, February 01, 2019

Quadrillions Of Dollars In Damages And Millions Of Souls Lost: A Country Totally Lost?

By 2030 or 2040 we will see how phony green energy and carbon taxes are. It is just selfish people feeding their faces and caring not a wit about the future. We will look back and wonder why this 2019 population were so  spiritually impoverish. 

I sent this to the NRC.  

Mike Mulligan <>

Mon, Jan 7, 8:35 PM

to Marjorie

"Hello, Mr. Mulligan,

Thank you very much for your message. I did provide the concern you pointed you about the availability of the 2019 reactor status data to our Information Technology staff in NRC HQ. I’m glad you have a work-around that you can use until we get that addressed. I also provided your message to our regional office attorney for his evaluation to enter your message into ADAMS.




This email business today was all my fault. I never should have sent my message with Yahoo. Please send all future emails with Gmail. 

The "event notification report also doesn't have a 2019 link. 

I bet it was the "I love the USA" that sent my email to the lawyer : ) Let me know if I have to change something to get it in. I have gotten messages into Adams often. This seems non routine.

I could make the case the current political issue in relevant in this case and I know the NRC is highly sensitive to political and the news cycle. No matter how you frame it as you are a independent agency. I bet you I am the only one in the USA who would say our political tribulations and instability could make a major accident much worst. The results of the damage fuel might not be the costliest component. Because of political instability, the public and politicians might create overregulation in a hysterical reaction. The scenario I thinking about, we might recklessly shutdown all the reactors in the USA in just a few years. That would kill 20% of our grid capacity. It took us twenty years to replace all that electricity. We had riots, price spikes and electrical shortage and a continually collapsed stock market. Our president had to declare marshal law in order to save out tittering nation Of course, this will spill out to other nations. 

Then in a hundred years, a report might come out. If the USA went full nuclear in 2025, how much less would the results of global warming be? Why didn't you go full nuclear by 2025? You seen it coming. Well, we had a reactor accident in 2021. Our nation was in a very unstable condition. The generations in 2025 was traumatized by the nuclear accident and the news media overreactions. We had to wait till all the 2025 generations died before we could ever speak nuclear power again. The public just wouldn't let us build them again. Nuclear power was the third rail for the politicians.

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