Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Example of NRC Risk Perspective Corruption

They are basically substituting bureaucrat's expert judgement for science, engineering and facts. Generally the NRC inspectors are not experts over the plants compared to the plant employees. So how does a guy like me know the exerts credential, training and skills are appropriate for the task? Is all the uncertainty wasted out? 

So at the bottom of the pile of horse manure on this risk perspectives, all you got are humans making judgments about safety. This is no way the system keeps these experts straight...they are the NRC untouchables. The unconstrained gods of nuclear safety... Dirty human judgements are behind everything about risk perspectives, and I have massively decreasing confidence surrounding our professional class...

This all is sneaky deregulation and weakening of the controls surrounding the industry. The politicians all want plausible deniability with the acceptance of campaign contributions. If a terrible accident happens, the politicians don't want to get blamed or our political system in general. To for fill this style of corruption, they create two systems. One is defined by congressional  regulations and other is defined as a secret system were the NRC bureaucrats appease the politicians and utility big wigs pulling the strings  unseen by any political oversight. The professional judgement thing here is... really, is the nuclear plants being regulated and overseen by the professional class wild west gunslingers for hire.        
February 07, 2019

MEMORANDUM TO: Sean E. Peters, Chief  Human Factors and Reliability Branch  Division of Risk Analysis  Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
 FROM: Jing Xing, Senior Human Performance Engineer  /RA/  Human Factor and Reliability Branch  Division of Risk Analysis  Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

This memorandum transmits work performed for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) related to the use of expert judgment to support human reliability analysis of flexible coping strategies (FLEX).  To date, the research products developed by the Human Factors and Reliability Branch (HFRB) along with the staff of NRR include: 1) The presentation on the topic to the 2018 Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, 2) A draft paper on the topic submitted to the 2019 Probabilistic Safety Analysis Conference, and 3) A brief summary of the results of the expert elicitation on FLEX human reliability analysis.  Dr. Jing Xing from HFRB and Ms. Michelle Kichline from NRR reviewed these documents and concluded that the documents contained materials useful for the NRC’s risk-informed licensing reviews related to implementation of FLEX equipment and, therefore, recommend that they be made publicly available. If you have any questions about these materials, please contact me. 

Enclosures: As Stated


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