Friday, December 07, 2018

Is The Election Losing Washington Republicans Going To Pull A Wisconsin Power Grab or Neutering

Update Dec 18

No question, Flynn lied to him admitting he lied about Pence. A good soldier falls on his sword to save the higher up. So Pence was in on everything illegal Flynn did. Everyone is lying about Pence because they know he is going to be the next president.   

Update Dec 15

I am think now Pence is going to resign. Do us a favor...

Update Dec 12

See, what I am saying.  Pence is not presidential timber. Honestly, it looks like he is on some good pot. Do you for a minute think this was unintentional. Are they playing this, Pence is such a goof, won't you rather have Trump staying as president. That is my outlier thought. But the idea he looks so much like a goof, his body was so out of control in the oval office with congressional leaders on TV...should he ever be president.  

"In Michigan and Wisconsin, Republicans who control the state legislatures are trying to use year-end "lame duck" sessions to rein in the governors' power now that Democrats have won those seats.
Basically, are the losing US House Republicans, the Senate and Trump going to conspire to take over the the US government in the closing days of this political cycle. Effectively a limited coup?  So, towards the end of Jan 2019, maybe within minutes before the new guys getting sworn in...will Trump and both the House and Senate republicans pardon their asses off and pass new law's, such that all the big players associated with Trump get a free pass on all their illegalities for the good of the nation. 

Everyone knows the post Trump era, much like the impeachment of can expect the republicans to get a absolute election beating next presidential election. This election cycle coming up is small potatoes compared to the next one, with a president stepping down in a deal or impeachment. We are going to be talking trump crimes and impeachment for the next two years.  Nixon teaches us in impeachment, you got to take the long view. Take your lumps in the beginning, maybe a little pardon here and there, probably lose the next few election cycles, purge all the bad stuff out in the beginning...but after the next two or so cycles, the republics will regain the presidency and congress pretty quickly. Maybe just before trump resigns in disgrace, he gives all his illegal buddies a pardon. Then Pence pardons Trump. Actually I don't think Pence will be the president. He is too much damaged goods. He would just keep this trump crisis going into his presidency. Maybe it would be the end of the Republican party or something much worst. I think Gerald Ford is going mysteriously show up. If it goes through impeachment and the court system, the damage would go on for a decade or more, with the republicans never regaining the house, senate and presidency. That is when Spiro Agnew will show up. We are going to need a reason to take out Pence. So who would be the next fumbling Gerald Ford. Right, it would effectively be a global settlement between the Democrats, Republicans and the over powering Deep State. You know, stability is in their interest. The coup d'état will be kind of a soft type...not a all encompassing total national collapse. It will be for the good of the country. We will wipe out Trump, Pence and lots of lower level high officials from the system, install a brand new set of hapless figureheads as head of state, Trump and his top band of crooks will effectively get a free pass or pardon. We will have to put a bunch of lower lever officials in jail. On the long view, these lower level officials will occur no or little damage. But the public would have to be sated with lots of insignificant officials going to jail.

new(That would be Pence's obstruction of justice if he gives trump a free ride. I think lots of congressman in the House and Senate should be charge with a conspiracy and obstruction of justice with Trump's campaign and presidency.) 

They really wouldn't take over the government,they already got the control, but they would subvert all our institutions and constitution for control the world. The republicans would really take a big early hit, but they would subvert our constitution to limit the long term political damage to the republicans. The democrats would just be happy with a stay of a death sentence.

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