Thursday, March 29, 2018

Perry, Davis Besse and Beaver Valley Are Goners, That is Four Nuclear Plants

So that is four nuclear plants, plus Pilgrim and Oyster Creek. Many more to come. We are in a phase we never seen before. All these plants have been starved for funding for years. And it is only going to get worst as they head towards shutdown. A risk for a meltdown has drastically increased. And Pilgrim and Oyster Creek are closing in tough shape. Will these bad plants overwhelm the NRC. It wouldn't be the first time where a set of terribly bad operating nuclear plants overwhelm the NRC. They draw a lot of NRC away from the rest. Then A moderately bad plant erupts into a terrible accident. That is the Davis Besse accident. 

And don't forget the NRC is undergoing politically inspired severe restructuring and downsizing. It is secret deregulation and heading into Russian style secrecy.    
First Energy Solution Will Close Its Nuclear Plants, But Is Silent On Bankruptcy Restructuring  
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- FirstEnergy says it is getting out of the nuclear power business within the next three years. 
The company's power plant subsidiaries FirstEnergy Solutions and the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. late Wednesday informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and regional grid manager PJM Interconnection that it will close its nuclear power plants within three years.
The companies plan to close the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant near Toledo in 2020, and both the Perry nuclear plant in Lake County as well as the two-reactor Beaver Valley nuclear plant near Pittsburgh in 2021.
The companies announced the decision well after the close of business, but made no mention of filing for bankruptcy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Arkansas Unit 1 Mysteriously Trips On March 25

More indications with Entergy's southern fleet...capacity factor problems...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Mike Mulligan Gets Arrested By the Mass State Police and Their Lemon Fingerprint Reader With A 98% Failure Rate

Note on my arrest

I was fully treated with dignity while in police custody in the Russell barracks. The state troopers who arrested me and all the rest I'd seen in the barracks, they are truly the best that comes out Massachusetts. The state police didn't engineer my arrest...initiated the arrest.  

The move over law is what got the officer in the car. This law is driven by groups wanting favors from the police and they made money from the campaign. Is there any sense in this it reduces safety? So how do I make a story line with three separate things...the law that got  me stop, the fleet of staties cars on the highway, my first complaint to their arm that receives public complaints and how the fingerprints machine problem came to my attention. My covert operation to get into the processing area. Basically Monday I had to make a plea to the courts. I complained to judge of systemic police corruption. I had a summations of my investigation in a flash drive in my hand waving it to the judge in open court. By the way, that arm of the state police who accepts police complaints, I called this first complaint a cover-up. I understand the officer who worked on my case, he now is under suspension. So I was allowed  to have a meeting with assistant DA to see if we can make a deal. I spent a lot of time discussing state police corruption. I slid that flash drive across the table saying the "corruption" is all detailed in a report on the flash drive. He wouldn't even look at it, spoke to his boss who wouldn't even touch it. My trespassing issues was a covert operation to check out the finger printer issue and make as assessment of the courts. Basically I have been talking to state police officials all through this...I don't trust any of them. So this was a secondary and independent path to get my concerns known. I have told them all, I got evidence challenging the credibility of all the troopers in the Russell and Springfield barracks. Ultimately this broad scandal is going to challenge the credibility of all troopers in the state. I basically got the charge dropped. No fines and I never had to promise to stay out of the property. If this thing blows up, I have taken out the Judge, the DA and his assistant DA. I taking to the Springfield newspaper. 
Mike Mulligan Gets Arrested By the Mass State Police and Their Lemon Fingerprint Reader With A 98% Failure Rate.
March 25, 2018

Your Honor Respectively,

I basically I made a AIRE like police complaint to the “MSP Citizen Response Report (POV)” in early 20017. It was a mass collection of police cruisers sitting in the breakdown lane  on I 91 abutting the Holyoke Mall. I am thinking eight or more police cruisers sitting in the breakdown lane on both sides. The area was dark and curvy. It was really a bad and unsafety area to be having this kind of thing. They had their flasher blinding us and not a civilian car to be seen with the police cruisers.

I thought it was a police quota type of deal. Maybe an overtime abuse type of thing. Later, I realize the state police were staging a fleet of police cruisers on I 91 nefarious purposes. They were looking into our cars without ethical probable cause. In mass quantities. I have an assortment of other issues on this to justify my position.

One of them being science. You do these mass state police stunts, then you measure the accident suppression results. I doubt the state police has any evidence this works at all over history. You and I know, the only way you can control the accident rate on an interstate like I91, is to drastically reduce the speed limit or redesign the road. Then enforce the speed limits. Everything else is for show or it inflate the image of the state police. This AIRE type thing was to make the state police feel better, not make the public safer.

Here is my bog posting on my early thinking. It kind of a scratch or note pad to help me think…a contemporaneous log book thing. I am a whistleblower…I have seen and reported a lot of corruption over the last few decades. To tell you the truth, everyone calls me nuts and hates my guts.

Massachusetts State Police In illegal Alien or Terrorism Alert On I-91?

Recently because of the state police corruption all around, I resubmitted that early 2017 complaint. I didn’t think the POV recorded my complaint and I called it a coverup. Last week I spoke to state inspector general and the Ma state police internal affairs (for about an hour) over this 2017 complaint. I emailed my coverup complaint to this very same agency. Towards the end of the week, is when the digital electronic fingerprint reader problem came to my attention (fell in my lap). I’ll bet you my fingerprint machine issue is a good one for the Ma IG. 

A important broken tool like this for the troopers, it can devastatingly effect the moral of a group. If my bosses don’t care about my working environment, why should I. My aim to make a better working environment for the bottom level troopers. They have a very dangerous job. I just want best quality tools money can buy for the Ma troopers. This is how they serve the peoples of Massachusetts most efficiently and effectively. 

“Donald, (Me to Donald)

Just watch this. I am going to clean up state police bureaucracy. One the largest state police contractual kickback and corruption cases in the state history. I'd stood in front of a electronic state police fingerprint reader for about an hour yesterday. Remember, I have only ten fingers. I was in the Russell Barracks. They attempted to read my fingerprints some 60 times yesterday. They got maybe one high quality readable print into their system out of this mess. The rest were poor quality and unreadable. Extremely poor quality prints were stuffed into the state system through an override button. I’d seen the multitudes of caution windows right before my eyes   The machine was only successful and recorded readable and high quality fingerprints in less than 1% of the time. That is definitely not a 1% error rate??? 

I know the Springfield Barracks has the same problem. I suspect this is going throughout the state. I know multitudes of troopers protested about this shity component by not checking in or putting fingerprints into the system. The just didn't take any fingerprints during in-processing, which is strictly against police policy and ethics. The key phrase to ask, how many times state wide has the fingerprint reader override buttons been used in the last year? 

I know senior management intimidated the lower lever troopers into not protect the high level fraudulent contracting and the state police senior leadership... Basically the two troopers right in front of my eyes were knowingly, like a machine themselves…were cramming the unreadable fingerprints into the state police system though the override button. What is the extent cause and condition with this widespread lemon device? How long has this been going on. How many unreadable fingerprints are in the system. You could let a really bad guy through the grasp of the Ma state police or any police department in the nation. What does the state police use fingerprints for? 

I got this all recorded. It is in their system. I am sure the new digital fingerprints machine records everything. The arrest processing area is all video cam'd up and bugged. Sometimes bad criminals say the most incriminating things in this processing area.”


Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH
cell phone-16032094206

Friday, March 23, 2018

Junk Plant Pilgrim's Happy Talk.


The feed water system goes upwards to 1300 psa, steam about 600psi...a leak in the main condenser side might get to a low vacuum type of thing.       

***I doubt it went down like this. We are talking about a 500 to 600 psi system. I have seen heater/pipe steam plumbs 20 feet long and roaring like a B-52. They use to send me into the heater bay, very high monitor. They later had tv cameras in there and we monitored it from the control room. Although they might have a steam leak into the main condenser...   
"Operators shut down the reactor March 6 because of a suspected leak in a system needed to heat water before it is pumped into the reactor vessel."
The plumb could cut you head off and the vast majority of the plumb is not seeable.

FirstEnergy Vows to Go Into Bankruptcy Next Week (Perry, Besse)

Will this be the first parent corporation who goes into bankruptcy that owns Nuclear power Plants?  
FirstEnergy bankruptcy restructuring likely, power plants would be closed or sold
Updated 11:45 AM; Posted 11:45 AM
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Brutal competitive financial forces are poised to remake FirstEnergy into a utility without power plants and focused solely on delivering electricity.
The Akron-based power company that a decade ago hired former George W. Bush administration Solicitor General Ted Olson to bully state lawmakers who were considering a return to state-regulated power prices now appears ready to sell or close its remaining coal and nuclear power plants because the state won't subsidize them and neither will federal authorities.
Those include Perry nuclear plant in Lake County east of Cleveland and Davis-Besse in Ottawa County near Toledo.
The draconian move may come in a corporate "restructuring" plan that could get under way next week in a federal bankruptcy court, either here or any other federal jurisdiction where the company has offices.
FirstEnergy Solutions, the debt-ridden subsidiary that owns the corporation's power plants, would be seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co., a separate FirstEnergy subsidiary that holds the federal nuclear operating licenses, could also be involved…

Pilgrim Start-Up Transformer: Bum Degraded Voltage Relay Discoverd in Sept 2017

So they lost outside power, obviously they had degraded voltage. Were these relays somehow involved in this.

I hope there was no combustion gases discover in the transformer coolant oil before these recent event... 

Start-Up Transformer Degraded Voltage Relay Found Outside Technical Specification Limit
1. FACILITY NAME 2. DOCKET NUMBER .PAGE Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 05000-293 1 OF3
4. TITLE Start-Up Transformer Degraded Voltage Relay Found Outside Technical Specification Limit
09 13 2017 2017 - 012 - 00 11 13 2017
D 20.2201(b) D 20.2203(a)(3)(i) D 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A) D 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A) D 20.2201(d) D 20.2203(a)(3)(ii) D 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B) D 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(B) D 20.2203(a)(1) D 20.2203(a)(4) D 50.73(a)(2)(iii) D 50.73(a)(2)(ix)(A) D 20.2203(a)(2)(i) D 50.36(c)(1)(i)(A) D 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) D 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10. POWER LEVEL D 20.2203(a)(2)(ii) D 50.36(c)(1)(ii)(A) D 50.73(a)(2)(v)(A) D 73.71(a)(4) D 20.2203(a)(2)(iii) D 50.36(c)(2) D 50.73(a)(2)(v)(B) D 73.71(a)(5) 100 D 20.2203(a)(2)(iv) D 50.46(a)(3)(ii) D 50.73(a)(2)(v)(C) D 73.77(a)(1) D 20.2203(a)(2)(v) D 50.73(a)(2)(i)(A) D 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) D 73.77(a)(2)(i) D 20.2203(a)(2)(vi) ~ 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) D 50.73(a)(2)(vii) D 73.77(a)(2)(ii) D 50.73(a)(2)(i)(C) 0 OTHER Specify in Abstract below or in NRG Form 366A 12. LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER LICENSEE CONTACT ~ELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code) IMr. Everett P. Perkins, Jr. - Regulatory Assurance Manager 508-830-8323 13. COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT
14. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED 15. EXPECTED MONTH DAY YEAR ~ YES (ff yes, complete 15. EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE) D NO SUBMISSION DATE 02 01 2018 ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced typewritten lines)
On September 13, 2017 with the unit at 100 percent power, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station discovered during calibration of four Start-Up Transformer Degraded Voltage Relays (ABB model number ITE27N) after the relays had been removed from the plant, relay 127 A-604/1 had an as-found setpoint value outside the Technical Specifications Table 3.2.B limit of 110.6 plus or minus 0.56 Volts ac (Vac) (110.04 - 111.16); the as-found value was 109.90 Vac. This relay was replaced with a spare relay that was calibrated prior to its installation.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is submitting this Licensee Event Report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B)-Any operation or condition that was prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.
This event was not risk significant. There was no threat to public health and safety from this condition.
NRC FORM 366 (04-2017)
NRC FORM 366A (04-2017)
(See NUREG-1022, R.3 for instruction and guidance for completing this form
Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory collection request: 80 hours. Reported lessons learned are incorporated into the licensing process and fed back to industry. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the Information Services Branch (T-2 F43), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0104), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 05000-293
- 012
The startup transformer supplies power to the station auxiliary power distribution system whenever the main generator is offline_ After the main generator has been synchronized to the 345 kV system and has been partially loaded, the auxiliary power distribution system is manually transferred from the start-up transformer (SUT) to the unit AC power source (unit auxiliary transformer [UAT]).
Automatic fast transfer capability is provided in the design to restore the auxiliary power distribution system to its preferred offsite AC power source, the SUT, in the event that the unit AC power source (UAT) is lost for any reason_ The diesel generator load shedding logic will also be actuated immediately upon the fast transfer of the safety related buses A5 and A6 to the SUT if a Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident signal is present when the SUT secondary voltage is below the degraded voltage alarm reset setpoint.
The primary function of the 127 A-604/1 degraded voltage relays and their settings for the SUT is to ensure a minimum voltage at which the emergency buses can be operated indefinitely to provide their intended safety functions. If voltage drops below that point for a specified time limit, the degraded voltage relays will initiate transfer of the emergency buses from offsite power to the onsite emergency diesel generators.
During calibration of four SUT Degraded Voltage Relays (ABB model number ITE-27N) after the relays had been removed from the plant, relay 127 A-604/1 had an as-found setpoint value outside the Technical Specifications (TS) Table 3.2.B limit of 110.6 plus or minus 0.56 Volts ac (Vac) (110.04 - 111.16). The asfound value was 109.90 Vac. This relay was replaced with a spare relay that was calibrated prior to its installation.
rThe cause of the relay's potential inoperability is still under investigation at this time.
The relay was replaced, restoring the safety function of the SUT degraded voltage relay to initiate transfer of the emergency buses from offsite power to the onsite emergency diesel generators.
NRG FORM 366A (04-2017) Page 2 of 3
NRC FORM 366A (04-2017)
(See NUREG-1022, R.3 for instruction and guidance for completing this form
Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory collection request: 80 hours. Reported lessons learned are incorporated into the licensing process and fed back to industry. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the Information Services Branch (T-2 F43), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0104), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRG may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 05000-293
- 012
- 00
The 127 A-604/1 Degraded Voltage Relay As-Found setpoint value was outside the TS limits. However, per calculation PS147 "Degraded Voltage Trip Relays, Revised Voltage Setpoint" the as-found value was within the analytical limits, which indicates that the degraded voltage relay would operate within safety limits albeit outside the TS limits.
Calculation PS147 "Degraded Voltage Trip Relays, Revised Voltage Setpoint" establishes the trip setpoint, analytical limits, and the no adjust limits for the voltage function of the degraded voltage trip relays (127A-504/1,2,3,4 and 127A-604/1,2,3,4). The upper and lower analytical limits are the limit of a measured or calculated variable established by the plant safety analysis to ensure that a safety limit is not exceeded. The as-found value found for this relay was 109.9 Vac which was outside the TS limits. However, per PS147, the lower analytical limit is 109.75 Vac. Therefore, the as-found value for 127A604/1 does not exceed the established safety limit, and the relay is capable of performing its safety function.
There were no public safety, nuclear safety, industrial safety or radiological safety consequences from this event. No actions to reduce the frequency or consequence are necessary.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is submitting this Licensee Event Report (LER) in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B)-Any operation or condition that was prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.
~ review of PNPS LERs for the past five years did not identify any other LERs that were submitted for the same reason as this submittal.

Junk Plant Pilgrim Recent Set of Problems: Now Blatantly Don't Give A shit What The Community Thinks About Them

Really, a lot of problems to shows up at the same time after all this NRC attention. What is different this time is how extremely close to the vest they disclosed to the public. These guys were always tight, but it is amazing what is going on now. Something has changed drastically. It is as if they don't give a shit over what the public thinks about them. blatantly  
Pilgrim Remains Offline Due to Repairs
March 23, 2018
PLYMOUTH – The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station remains out of service after plant officials discovered they needed to replace a start-up transformer at the Plymouth facility.
The station was taken off the grid on March 6 due to a leak in a feedwater heating system. Pilgrim staff made to the decision to stay offline after the repairs were made in anticipation of power difficulties with the March 13 nor’easter.
The station has been plagued by a series of unplanned shutdowns during winter storms in recent years.
After Eversource restored power to the off-site lines on March 15, a series of tests were conducted and inspectors reported that the start-up transformer on the non-nuclear side of the plant would have to be replaced.
The equipment brings power from the 345kv transmission lines into the station.
According to a statement, the replacement process is now underway. It’s not yet known when the plant will return to service.
Pilgrim is scheduled to permanently close in 2019. The station is under the highest level of federal oversight due to a series of safety violations

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I Called The Massachusetts State Police Corrupt As Hell First....

MSP Citizens Response Reports (POL) <citizensresponsereports@MassMail.State.MA.US>
To:Michael Mulligan
‎Feb‎ ‎24‎, ‎2017 at ‎9‎:‎03‎ ‎AM
We are in receipt of your citizen response report.  A complaint intake officer will contact you within the next few days to discuss your concerns.  Thank you.

·        ponse Reports (POL)
‎Feb‎ ‎24‎, ‎2017 at ‎2‎:‎16‎ ‎PM
I really appreciate your quick response. Call anytime.
Home: 1-603-336-8320
Cell: 1-603-209-4206

·        Michael Mulligan <>
To:Michael Mulligan
‎Mar‎ ‎22 at ‎7‎:‎34‎ ‎AM
Dear Sir, 
Could you reevaluate my complaint about illegal stops on I 91 Holyoke Ma. In light of mass corruption of the state police and the burgeoning "Accident and Injury Reduction Effort patrols, known as AIRE patrols" corruption....was my stop part of the AIRE corruption? Was the MSP Citizen Response Report involved in a cover up with my complaint? If your agency thoroughly investigated my complaint, would the state police have discover their corruption earlier? I'd put a picture of my ticket on my blog article. 
"Massachusetts State Police In illegal Alien or Terrorism Alert On I-91?"
Please send this to the highest state police official who is involved with the corruption investigation.  
I am in contact with the Boston Globe. 
Mike Mulligan 
Hinsdale, NH 
State police have asked Attorney General Maura Healey’s office to help them investigate no-show assignments in which troopers were paid but failed to report for duty, state police said.
“An internal State Police audit of AIRE (Accident Injury Reduction Effort) patrol shifts assigned to officers within Troop E found evidence that shifts assigned were not always worked and that troopers were still paid despite not having shown up for their shift,” state police wrote.

Massachusetts State Police In illegal Alien or Terrorism Alert On I-91?

John Tlumacki/Globe staff
Massachusetts State Police Colonel Kerry Gilpin addressed the media Tuesday at the State Police Headquarters concerning an investigation into State Police overtime.
By Mark Arsenault, Travis Andersen and Shelley Murphy Globe Staff  March 20, 2018
Get immediate alerts on all breaking news, delivered via Facebook Messenger. Sign up here.
FRAMINGHAM — In another black eye for the scandal-ridden Massachusetts State Police, 20 active troopers face potential sanctions for the apparent theft of overtime pay, with the most egregious alleged offenders putting in for as many as 100 no-show shifts, officials said Tuesday.
In a state agency where 245 troopers — about 12 percent of the force — made more than $200,000 last year, an internal audit of Troop E, a division that covers the Massachusetts Turnpike, found “apparent discrepancies between overtime paid and actual patrols worked,” State Police Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, superintendent of the force, said at a morning news conference.
Nineteen troopers face internal duty status hearings in the coming days to determine whether they’ll be suspended, Gilpin said. Another trooper who was already suspended for another matter and a retiree are also being investigated.
Gilpin said that she couldn’t put a dollar figure on the amount of disputed overtime, but that the number of questionable overtime shifts per trooper ranged from one to “as high as 100.”
Bottom of Form
State Police officials said they have reported their findings, which stemmed from an investigation launched last fall, to Attorney General Maura Healey’s office for review and potential prosecution.

Coming on the heels of several other high-profile controversies in recent months, news of the purported overtime scheme quickly stirred outrage.
Governor Charlie Baker, who appointed Gilpin to head the agency last November, said the superintendent “made a pretty clear statement that this sort of activity and this sort of behavior is not going to be tolerated.”
Baker said that overall the State Police are “a strong, good, well-trained unit.”
“But clearly there’s some people here who broke the rules, allegedly, and got way beyond the bounds of what anyone would consider to be appropriate behavior,” Baker said. “And for those who are found to have committed what’s been alleged, they should face the music.”
The department’s previous superintendent, Richard McKeon, and his deputy, Francis Hughes, retired in November after revelations that McKeon had ordered an arrest report changed to remove embarrassing information about the daughter of Judge Timothy Bibaud. A lawyer for McKeon has said he ordered the deletions to remove unnecessary information.
Baker and Healey have each announced investigations into the handling of the police reports.
Two more high-ranking officials linked to the redactions – Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Risteen and Major Susan Anderson — retired suddenly in February. Their retirements came a day after the Globe reported that Trooper Leigha Genduso had been hired despite having been a coconspirator in a 2007 drug case and having avoided charges by testifying. Genduso, whom multiple sources said was Risteen’s former girlfriend, was suspended after the disclosure.
On Tuesday, the union that represents troopers, the State Police Association of Massachusetts, said it does not condone any actions that may have violated the public’s trust.
“The department has been in turmoil over the last several months,” Dana Pullman, president of the union, said in a statement. “We believe the customs and culture that was allowed to flourish under the previous state police leadership has compromised the public’s perception and calls into question the integrity of the hard-working men and women of the Massachusetts State Police. Colonel Gilpin has been given the unenviable task of dealing with a myriad of untenable issues.”…

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

River Bend Capacity Factor Problems

I don't think River Bend has exceeded 90% since their last recent shutdown or scram. They have been at 90% for a week or two. Last night they went down to 77%...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Sequoyah Fried Two Worker...

This indicates something is deeply wrong with management. Prolonged death by electrocution is a horrible way.  

Power Reactor Event Number: 53270
Facility: SEQUOYAH
Region: 2 State: TN
Unit: [1] [2] [ ]
RX Type: [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP
Notification Date: 03/19/2018
Notification Time: 02:27 [ET]
Event Date: 03/19/2018
Event Time: 00:30 [EDT]
Last Update Date: 03/19/2018
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY
10 CFR Section:
50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION
Person (Organization):

Unit SCRAM Code RX CRIT Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode
1 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation
2 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation
Event Text

"On 3/16/2018 at approximately 1630 EST, an industrial safety accident occurred at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant that involved an Arc Flash injury of two contract employees. While performing work near a non safety related 6.9kV electrical bus, an arc occurred injuring the two employees. Both personnel were transported to an offsite medical facility for treatment. Neither were contaminated.

"The cause of the arc flash is not understood at this time, an accident investigation has been initiated by TVA. The SQN [Sequoyah Nuclear] NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified. No safety related systems required to establish or maintain safe shutdown were affected. Both Unit 1 and 2 remain at 100 [percent] power.

"TVA has received and responded to media inquiries concerning this event. As a result, this event is considered reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi).