...See, this was my assessment last night: North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, “is begging for war,” Nikki R. Haley, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, told the Security Council on Monday.
...Don't' be ridiculous with this hermit kingdom. How much money do they really have? The missiles, submarines and nuclear weapons program, these guys are really expensive. All the testing. The typical weapons facing Soul, that is where they have been saving money. I bet you the artillery and shells are old and obsolete. You have to plow a lot of money into the artillery system to keep it effective.
Hmm, the news this morning reports NKorea is getting ready to launch missiles into pacific. What happens if Guam is incinerated? It is a forgone conclusion NKorea would be turned into glass. How would it change us?
What about a ICBM hydrogen bomb detonation in a rather inhabitable part of the pacific. Maximum world terrorism, but a too chicken Obama, I mean president Trump, to do anything about it. I don't think it is enough to glassify NKorea.
At the bottom of this, how accountable should we hold the rank and file NKoreans? Maybe they are the monsters? Why hasn't there been a uprising no matter what the cost? Why haven't they modernized their government? Isn't that the big problem across globe with our assortment dictators and despots. Yea, collectively, how much do we hold ourselves accountable for our dysfunctional and ineffective political system? We are all victims and powerless, and on the dole...
Is that the root of all wars and conflicts across the planet?Update: I predict 5000 to 7500 South Korean causalities or less. It will be a quick and wicked war much like Iraq. I have no qualms if we use highly targeted nuclear weapons. It would deter idiots like this in the future and save many more potential lives.
Crossing the Rubicon
Wiki:The new situation. I am amazed how ignorant my daughter's generation and media commentators are about hydrogen bombs. How much bigger they are.
Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon was an event in 49 BC that precipitated the Roman Civil War, which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator for life and the rise of the imperial era of Rome. Caesar had been appointed to a governorship over a region that ranged from southern Gaul to Illyricum (but not Italy). As his term of governorship ended, the Roman Senate ordered Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome. He was explicitly ordered not to bring his army across the Rubicon river, which was at that time a northern boundary of Italy. In January of 49 BC, Caesar brought the 13th legion across the river, an act that was considered insurrection, treason, and a declaration of war upon the Roman Senate. According to some authors, he is said to have uttered the phrase "alea iacta est" — the die is cast — as his army marched through the shallow river.
The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" is today often used as an idiom to mean passing a point of no return.
Basically same massage,different versions. I mean what I say. It is on comment section. I think my comment on both sites was the last one until the crisis stabilizes.North Korea Says It Tested a Hydrogen Bomb Meant for MissilesSEOUL, South Korea — North Korea carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test early Sunday in an extraordinary show of defiance against President Trump, who responded by declaring the country “hostile and dangerous to the United States” and criticizing an American ally, South Korea, for “talk of appeasement.”The underground blast, which caused tremors that were felt in both South Korea and China, was the first by the North to clearly surpass the destructive power of the bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.The government said it had tested a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile, and hours before the detonation, it released photographs of its leader, Kim Jong-un, examining what it said was the new weapon.Hydrogen bombs are vastly more powerful than ordinary atomic weapons, and though some analysts were skeptical of the North’s claim, the early estimate of outside experts was that the weapon detonated underground Sunday morning was most likely four to sixteen times more powerful than any the North has detonated before.
Translation: Message from Secretary of Defense Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joe Dunford. Our last Military statement to North Korea. Did you see how red Joint Chief Dunford eyes were? They were bleeding. I wonder how many hours he was going on without sleep? Obama had one red line in the sand with Syria, which they disobeyed and then the president did nothing. President Trump drew about six red lines in the sand in the last few weeks and Kim passed every one. Basically Kim is using escalation actions/behaviors based on a agenda. Ultimately Kim wants to go to war with the USA. Kim knows he is done, he is going to sacrifice his country in order to change the world for the worst. It would traumatized the world and knock the USA off the world stage. The way we go to war is the other guy has to start it. Trump has set this up as Kim has to make one more threat to Guam. It is a "threat" war is keyed on, not a action. I believe it will be Guam we will go to war over. The last threat North Korea will every make will be to Guam.Personally, considering the news on NKorea, I crossed the Rubicon. I request all investigations (Congressional, Navy or whatever) surrounding the USS Fitzgerald and McCain be suspended. You don't want any of our military dragging their “safety investigation” anchors in this environment. Safety investigations eat up precious military resources. I need the US Navy and military to focus solely on national security and protection of the USA. Really the world economy and stability. God bless the USA and I love my country with all my might. God Bless my president Trump now! I am ready to serve my nation in anyway I can, including returning to military service!!! I will wash dishes, peel potatoes or clean the officer's toilets in any quarters.
LinkedIn: God bless our military and USA today. I was skeptical of President Trump yesterday, but now I am 150% behind him and my country. My version of the Cajun Flotilla would be tens of millions us signing up to serve the USA in anyway we can, including military service. We were all born to be heroes!!! I am ready to serve my nation in any way I can, including washing dishes and peeling potatoes. We should call the Senate and House back in secession without debate, give the president the full authority to do what ever it takes on the North Korean crisis, including placing the USA on a full war footing. Personally I think war is imminent and necessary .
This will be a world shattering event if we prohibit trading with China. Maybe the post WW II era is over. I think we will see the world stock market collapse next week and it all will be in ruins within a few months.

What is a Hobson's Choice? Don't let the magnitude of the possible deaths frighten you. Do we really have a choice?
Definition of Hobson's choiceThe setup is a choice of "tens of thousands to a few millions of deaths" or "10s, 100s or more of millions of deaths and world in total chaos". We face a nation in ruins with a large hydrogen bomb detonated high above us. A really scary EMF weapon. This would be way more damaging to us than if it was detonated on the ground.
1 : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative
2 : the necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternate
Hurricane Harvey and all the suffering in Texas will be long gone in the new's media rear view mirror by the end of next week.
Jesus God, from the far right white racist protest in the last month, to Hurricane Harvey and now a world wide holocaust with North Korea... How do we get from under this burden... A month of horrendous change.
<<<I think the only play here for Kim is to create tens of thousands of deaths and tremendous devastation to either South Korea or the USA, shatter the stock markets across the planet, then negotiate a settlement. It is the only way he is going to survive.>>>
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