Thursday, January 26, 2017

Burns Is Out, Svinicki Is In, As NRC Chiarman: Portends More Musical Chairs In NRC Leadership.

Burns was just a care-taker bureaucrat and Dem in name only. Burns won't stay long now as just a regular NRC commissioner.

Yep, Svinicki is the best of the litter, but she is definitely is no Trump. She is not a revolutionary.

You desperately need somebody who will shake up the hell out of the agency. The agency is in total chaos and the industry is object decline. There is little discipline at the plants now and no accountability in the NRC. The political establishment has compromised the NRC, you can't tell the difference between the democrats and republicans. Your can't believe anything the NRC or industry ever says.      

Just think how natural gas price has declined in the last few years and how it will continued to decline in the next 8 years. The Trump philosophy is going to lower electricity prices even more. Green electricity is nothing but corruption. You are going to need some really tough people, some good, well educated and experience people to counteract this. These low electric prices are a once in a hundred year event. The vitality of the industry is quickly decaying away because of the low electric prices.

Honestly, if I wanted to strangle the Trump "baby in the crib" (your administration), I'd create a nuclear plant meltdown. It would only take a person or two to accomplish this. Spew some uncontrollable radiation outside the plant, no injury or casualties. But your administration would be dragged in the nuclear mud for years just like Jimmy Carter. You want to hear a nuclear submarine joke? I served on a fast attack nuclear submarine between 1986 to 1990. The cold war was ending and the world was very unstable. I was underwater on that boat for the majority of those four years completely isolated from our society. These four years neatly fit into the Carter presidency. The submarine joke is, when somebody talks about the Carter presidency, I/we respond with "who is he? I missed his presidency being underwater and on patrol during those years. Only a real submariner would get the humor in the joke without a prolonged explanation. There are events in the industry where nuclear fuel was intentionally damaged by the executives to meet a political objective(Conn. Yankee). Whether political sabotage or accidental, this will consume your presidency. A nuclear plant meltdown at one plant would emediately flip nationwide into electricity shortages and price spikes for decade.

I would accept being nominated to be a NRC commissioner, another submarine joke,                               

We need a extremely bright and free thinking high utility nuclear executive with broad experience as a commissioner. Better would be a big utility executive who has seen the big picture. I could even swallow two of these executives. They need to be free thinkers like Trump.

A union executive with balls and moxie would be nice to stick up for the lower troops. Sorry, union members today are nothing but losers, much like the rest of the establishment. They can't and don't effectively stand up for themselves...they are not free thinkers.
President Donald Trump has named Kristine Svinicki chairwoman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Svinicki, a Republican, has served on the panel since 2008. She replaces Democrat Stephen Burns, who led the panel the past two years.

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