Friday, April 08, 2016

The Elephant In The Room: With Junk plants Indian Point’s Baffle-Former Bolts.

It takes extraordinarily rare and highly highly specialized skills to completely disassemble a core to inspect and replace the baffle bolts. It is going to be a black hole looking down the core barrel anyway you look at it. Who knows what you will find in theere?  I’d like to see waiting list for these expensive services. It is outside venders they have to bring into the plant.  

The question the NRC fears most is the blow back from the powerful politicians in congress. The times and risk demand the shutdown and inspections of numerous plants. How many plants do you want on the waiting list cooling their heels shutdown and losing millions of bucks a day? That is a lot persuasion campaign contribution bucks.  
***Best strategy for the NRC: delay, delay, delay and secrecy up the ying yang…
*** What Entergy fears most is information will trickle out little by little horrendously damaging the industry and themselves. So they want to disclose the least they can and get the bad news out all at one time.


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