Friday, April 08, 2016

Junk Plant River Bend: Jesus Christ, More Crappy Capacity Factor.

I been talking a lot on this blog for the past year identifying River Bend’s poor and unprofitable capacity factor.

They have gone back down 65% power today. Probably have to monitor these guys for a month as they squeak up 1% by 1% per day. It will probably take them 45 days to return to 100% power.  

Bets on if they will scam before that?
I am just saying, the NRC will send them another special inspection team before they get up to 100% power :) 

One good thing going on for Entergy today, at least the last standing Indian Point plant is still up at power. Going to check to see if it is still at 100% power.

Yep, still at 100% power.  

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