Friday, April 01, 2016

Junk Plant River Bend: Better Reactor Level Control

So ever time lightening strikes that line or others you can expect another scram???

Really tripping the feed pumps on high level in a scam is not in licensing. Effectively the level swell getting a feed pump trip is distracting the operators from holistic monitoring the plant for other problem.  If the plant had other problems, say a fire…the staff might get overwhelmed.

Good job on only one restart of a feed pump.
Automatic Reactor Scram and Division 2 Primary Containment Isolation Due to Offsite Grid Electrical Transient

Licensee Event Report 50-458 I 2016-002-00River Bend Station - Unit 1
The initial upward swell of reactor water' level caused all three reactor feedwater pumps to trip. Reactor feedwater pump "C" was restarted approximately eight minutes after the scram.

Following the first automatic actuations of the reactor safety-relief valves (SRVs), operators controlled reactor pressure with intermittent manual opening of selected SRV s. After reactor parameters were stabilized, the MSIV s on the "D" main steam line were opened at approximately 4:29 a.m. to re-establish automatic pressure control.

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