Thursday, March 03, 2016

Drama Queen Junk Plant River Bend Increased Power from 1% to 4% in 24 Hours?


There you go: 100% 

Update 3/7

River Bend is at 84%. This is ridicules with the plant at 3% Thursday night and they are only at 84% on Monday. Can't wait for this painfully slow march to 100% power. Any bets when 100% power is reached? This guys shouldn't even be running.

Saturday 40% 

Sunday 93% (more like it)

Then a big down power today to 84% power.

Update 3/4

In another 24 hours last night, River Bend power is at 3%. They have gone down 1% in 24 hours.  Did it scram a second time? I wish power level was a gage I could touch, because I'd tap it on the side wondering if the needle is stuck.

Certainly what they are doing is safe, but not preparing the plant for start-up raises the question if the competent to safely operate the plant in the future.

There is massive budget cutting going on in the future. The NEI want to cut 35% from all plants. Is this behavior at River Bend going to be normalized at all USA plants. Is this our future?

So the worst plant in the nation ANO, today there are up to 100%. Did the designers of the plant consider a plant could hang at under 5 % power for days, or did was the plant designed where they could hangout at low power operations for days and weeks. I would think the safest would be to raise up from low power as fast as you can.  

Humm, recently ANO 2 and River Bend started up. ANO is at about 20% in 24 hours, while River Bend is at 4% in 24 hours.
Recap: I initiated two special inspection at River Bend last year. The second special inspection was over unreliable safety breakers. It took about a year for the lump to pass through the snake. The results came out in the last few weeks and it was damming.

Then River Bend shutdown subsequent to the special inspection over more unreliable safety breakers and extremely poor plant engineering. We discovered this yesterday thought a NRC mistake. The NRC disclosed through a mistake, the agency released highly confidential and a competitive information. It just wasn't one plant, the agency released confidential information nuclear industry wide. I think the NRC pressured River Bend to shutdown!

It was a very expensive shutdown and it lasted in excess of 10 days. Can things get worst?
At the end of 2/1, the plant was at 1%
At the end of 2/2, the plant was at 4% power.
It would be reckless for any plant to stay at these low power levels for 24 hours.
They must have scrammed or shutdown during 2/2/2016.
Does the NRC got Entergy rattled??? 

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