Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Palisades: My Proof The Junk NRC Is Corrupt As Hell.

I see the delay, this way the NRC and outsiders can't make the case there was a pattern of falsification going on in Palisades and Entergy.
You know what injustice is, Justice delayed.  
Just think if the NRC declared Palisades as a corrupt plant in May 2011 over the SIRWT...they told Palisades to shutdown and then said we are going to systematically shutdown your plants one by one for the foreseeable future until you thoroughly reform your organization from the top down.
Why did it take OI till now to come up with these violations? 
There is no doubt these Palisades extremely smart and corrupt officials were playing the NRC like a fiddle. Any plant operator can play the NRC like a fiddle because of a corrupt congress and rules. 

All the below would have never happened if Entergy would have had a near death experiance inflected on them by the NRC in and around the spring of 2011.  
On May 18, 2011 beginning of the SIRWT problem 
September 25, 2011: DC Cabinet short red finding 
March 31, 2013: One dead and eight injured at Arkansas Nuclear One  
2015: Pilgrim LOOP and notice of closing Pilgrim plant by Entergy.
They illegally falsified documents to keep this plant unsafely up a power and to keep the money coming into the coffers.

Think about this, with the OSHA recent finding Palisades had intimidated their security offices, while the NRC with the same information found no employee intimidation. 
February 22, 2015
Mr. Anthony Vitale
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Palisades Nuclear Plant
27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway
Covert, MI 49043–9530

Dear Mr. Vitale:
This is in reference to an investigation completed on March 10, 2015, by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC’s) Office of Investigations (OI) at your Palisades Nuclear Plant(Palisades). The purpose of the investigation was to determine whether personnel at Palisades deliberately failed to provide complete and accurate information to the NRC regarding a safety injection and refueling water storage tank (SIRWT) leak. A Factual Summary, included as Enclosure 1 to this letter, provides a summary of the factual basis for the apparent violations.
This is basically industry protection.They are trying to minimize this. Every separate piece of paper falsified should be treated a seperate violation.

It is like me robbing three separate banks at gunpoint and the NRC only charges me with one crime because I used the same gun in all the robberies. They immediately knew who did the three robberies, but inexplicable charged me a decade later. Who gains the advantage with this.      
Based on the results of NRC’s review of this investigation, three apparent violations were identified and are being considered for escalated enforcement action in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy. The current Enforcement Policy is included on the NRC’s website at


It appears to the NRC that parts of these violations were willful as described in the enclosed factual summary. The first apparent violation involves the willful failure, on the part of four individuals, to enter information concerning a leak in the SIRWT into the corrective action program as required by Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V and procedure EN–LI–102, Revision 16. The second apparent violation involves the failure to perform adequate operability determinations of conditions associated with the SIRWT leak as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V and procedure EN–OP–104, Revision 5. The third apparent violation involves the apparent failure to comply with Technical Specification (TS), surveillance requirement Section SR 3.0.3, when you failed to perform the...

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