Friday, February 12, 2016

Junk Plant Perry During Start-up Had Another Complicated Trip

Yep, Yesterday. A slow motion cascade event with broken and degraded equipment. 

This is a case these guys weren't prepared to protect the grid in a severe winter cold snap?  
Two FirstEnergy nukes down for repairs as cold snap continues
AKRON, Ohio -- FirstEnergy's Perry nuclear reactor and one of its two Beaver Valley reactors are down for repairs as some of the coldest weather this winter grips the region.
Operators re-started the reactor Thursday afternoon, only to encounter a brief electrical disruption in circuits to electric pumps supplying cooling water to the reactor. Although the plant's design includes three sets of cooling equipment, the operators initiated a second shutdown, said Young.  Another engineering "root cause" team was looking into what caused the power disruption Thursday evening.
Cascading out of control!!!

"At 1504 EST on February 11, 2016, with the plant shutdown in a forced outage, the Division 1, 4.16 Kv Safety Bus (EH11) lost power. Division 1 Shutdown Cooling was in service at the time and the Division 1 Shutdown Cooling pump A tripped. The Division 1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) started and loaded EH11 as designed. However, the Emergency Service Water (ESW) A pump, which supplies cooling water to the EDG did not start. Due to
So a important valve failed to open 
the absence of cooling water to the EDG, operators took manual action to secure the Division 1 EDG. Division 2 Shutdown Cooling was operable during this transient and was subsequently started. The Division 1 Shutdown Cooling common suction isolation valve (1E12F0008) had
They were working on the other side. 
previously been de-energized in the open position to support planned maintenance. The Division 2 Shutdown Cooling isolation valve was not affected by the loss of bus EH11. Shutdown Cooling was re-established at 1544 EST using the Division 2 Shutdown Cooling
Then they lost shutdown cooling.  
pump. Reactor coolant temperature rose from approximately 89 degrees Fahrenheit to 115 degrees Fahrenheit during the event. The cause of the loss of EH11 and subsequent failure of ESW A pump to start are currently under investigation.

"This event is being reported under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) as a specific system actuation due to the auto start of the Division 1 EDG on a valid signal.

"The plant remains shutdown with Division 2 Shutdown Cooling in operation. The plant is in a normal electrical line up with the exception of bus EH11 being de-energized."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


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