Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Indian Point and Vermont Yankee radioactive leak

Update 2/14

I knew it had boron in it from my early article.

NRC: No Further Leakage at Indian Point

Radiation Levels Continue to Fluctuate

By William Opalka
A visual inspection by a Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspector Thursday found no active leakage of radioactive water at the Indian Point plant, where elevated levels of tritium have been detected in test wells.
Early indications had pointed to a sump pump failure that allowed contaminated water to leach into the wells during preparation for refueling, according to an NRC spokesman.
“There was evidence of boric acid deposits, which gives credence to the working theory of leakage related to the operations of the plant [in preparation for refueling],” NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan told RTO Insider on Friday.
The inspector spent one day at the plant but will continue to work with the three permanent inspectors there and could return if needed. 
update 2/11
This thing needs a different form of communication. This thing of only talking across press releases and newspaper articles is dysfunctional and undemocratic. Waiting for months on the results of a NRC inspection is so 20th century. It should be a daily or weekly press conference. All the big players such as the governor's representative, the NRC, other government representative, the media and public comments should be discussed in the news conference. We should be all mature enough to understand this is all past of the process of writing the final definitive document on the nature of the problem. 
The NRC should shift from primary writing documents three months to a year after the event, to communicative and explaining in real time.
We don't understand why the media doesn't explain what a troubled company Entergy is. As example, Pilgrim and ANO is the two worst operating plants according to the NRC.           
Remember Vermont Yankee started off with increasing radioactivity in their wells. They kept dragging a leg telling us what was causing it till almost the shutdown. I thought they knew all along, but they wanted to stay operating to the outage and schedule contractors. To save money. Then even when they knew it was the AOG piping, they refused to emediately shutdown the reactor and the NRC totally agreed with Entergy.

I suspect Indian Point knows where they are leaking and they don't want to be shutdown waiting for the offsite contractor troops to show up just like the VY trick.

I would interpret the increasing radioactivity as the leaks continues unabated.  

Does the water have boron in it? Does IP have a safety injection and refueling tank? They are notorious leakers? I guess it has to have boron in it. What concentration?

Everyone knows with Entergy, covering-up emediately disclosing when the leak started, it is a plant ender.  Now stalling finding where the leak comes from and repairing the leak...the industry has a 100% success rate on this.

Everything now depends on risk perspectives, how safe their calculation informs them... Risk perspective's is not understandable!

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