Thursday, January 28, 2016

Flint Mich Drinking Water: Quintessential Cascade Event

Image result for avalanche

This is what happens in an increasingly fragile system or systems with tremendous forces building up unseen and unperceived . You got maga tons of snow building up on a steep mountain incline and forces holding the snow flake glued to each other and the mountain are secretly weakening. An infinitesimally small force begins placing the massive pent up energy in motion and no power on this planet can stop the developing avalanche. It's the bane of all large hierarchical and centralized organizations. These avalanches go up hill.

Was Fukushima really a cascade accident?

No doubt the inflexibility of the Michigan Republican Conservative ideology played a role in the avalanche of many avalanches. And the indifference of the poor and weak themselves about themselves?

How do you explain the lack of actions by the feds and Obama?
When the Water Turned Brown
FLINT, Mich. — Standing at a microphone in September holding up a baby bottle, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a local pediatrician, said she was deeply worried about the water. The number of Flint children with elevated levels of lead in their blood had risen alarmingly since the city changed its water supply the previous year, her analysis showed. 
Within hours of Dr. Hanna-Attisha’s news conference, Michigan state officials pushed back — hard. A Department of Health and Human Services official said that the state had not seen similar results and that it was working with a much larger set of data. A Department of Environmental Quality official was quoted as saying the pediatrician’s remarks were “unfortunate,” described the mood over Flint’s water as “near-hysteria” and said, as the authorities had insisted for months, that the water met state and federal standards.
Dr. Hanna-Attisha said she went home that night feeling shaky and sick, her heart racing. “When a state with a team of 50 epidemiologists tells you you’re wrong,” she said, “how can you not second-guess yourself?” 
No one now argues with Dr. Hanna-Attisha’s findings. Not only has she been proved right, but Gov. Rick Snyder publicly thanked her on Tuesday “for bringing these issues to light.” 
Nearly a year and a half after the city started using water from the long-polluted Flint River and soon after Dr. Hanna-Attisha’s news conference, the authorities reversed course, acknowledging that the number of children with high lead levels in this struggling, industrial city had jumped, and no one should be drinking unfiltered tap water. Residents had been complaining about the strange smells and colors pouring from their taps ever since the switch. 
Already this month, federal and state investigations have been announced, National Guard troops were distributing thousands of bottles of water and filters, and Mr. Snyder was calling for millions in state dollars to fix a situation he acknowledged was a “catastrophe.”…
It's the anniversary of the explosion in the space shuttle Challenger. This cascade accident cascaded into destroying the space shuttle Challenger. Basically these were obsolete ships being placed under increasing burdens with insufficient budgets. Basically our misplace priorities destroyed these ships. "Look up "Normalization of deviance"?  

It is basically a severe and a fatal organization mental disease. It numbs all the minds in the organization to reality. 
Fiery blast destroys space shuttle Challenger
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- The space shuttle Challenger exploded into a huge fireball moments after liftoff yesterday morning, killing all seven crew members, including Christa McAuliffe, the New Hampshire high school teacher who was to be the country’s first private citizen to orbit the Earth. 
As Challenger rose spectacularly off its launch pad into clear blue skies at 11:38 a.m., all appeared normal, and a crowd that included McAuliffe’s husband, two children and parents roared its approval.
Then, 75 seconds into the flight, as Challenger achieved full engine power for the thrust that would carry it into orbit, the spacecraft inexplicably exploded…

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