Saturday, January 30, 2016

End of Giant El Nino January 2016

It is crazy me on the bike. I am having a utter blast on the ice.

Snow fell on wet ice and refroze. The snow is about a quarter inch thick. My wheels have a lot of friction, but the snow is thin enough it doesn't exhaust me. This is the Connecticut River setback in Hinsdale NH. I was all over miles of this setback and it was so sweet. There is alway a bit of excitement being on ice with a bike.

We are at the end of January, with so far mostly above normal temperatures. The setback just began freezing up about three weeks ago for the first time. We had about of week of really cold weather since then. Thus the ice fishermen tell me the ice is six to eight inches thick. Plenty thick. I have been riding my bicycle this winter more than I did last summer. My resting heart beat in a day last week in the morning was 51 beats per minute.    

The sun was recently going down a depressing before 4:30 pm. It is now going down at about 5:05 pm. Got another week of warm weather ahead of us. So that is three weeks left of winter. Is the winter really over for us already? It is really sweet with that extra half hour of daylight. The pace or rate of increasing minutes per day is just starting to pick up big time.    

I am going to experience another spring green-up :)

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