Monday, December 07, 2015

River Bend start-up power history.

So River Bend is up to 100% today. Oh please don't scram again, I can't take another boring power history vigil for 12 days?  
So River Bend has been stuck at about %82 for the last five days. Ae they down one feed pump?

A little power backsliding in the last few days. It 81%.

Update and reposted  from 12/7/215:
This is a prime example of horrendous waste in the nuclear power industry. It is destroying the industry as electric prices are declining. The kind of wasteful power history has been going on for about a year now. 
Remember, it took me to step it and correct these guys over their extremely poor performance in controlling water level after a scram. It created the opportunity of the special inspection. There is a ton of expensive equipment they got to repair and upgraded over me...let alone training. This is big bucks. They are just stealing money from the future to make their quartly reports to look pretty.  
Getting outsider to act on this plant like me, prod the NRc to do their jobs...Entergy and River Bend is undergoing some really expensive scrutiny. Their credibility goes down and mine shoots to the roof.
I believe if they resourced the plant properly going back many years and maybe even a decade...this is by far the cheapest most profitable means of running a plant. The peaks and valley of resourcing these plants won't be so steep.  
A weakening of credibility is horrendously expensive!!! 
Dec 8 83%: a rod exchange program (power) doesn't go backwards...

11/30: The scram
 River Bend Junk Plant Partial LOOP? 
A plant usually come up to full power from a shutdown in two to three days.

This is way abnormal again  
Dec 7 85%
Dec 6 64%
Dec 5 74%
Dec 4 67%
Dec 3 14%
Dec 2 0% 

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