Thursday, December 03, 2015

My Errant Comments On NRC blog about "Spent Fuel"

Basically the whole deal is here is to advantage the nuclear utilities while consuming our government's credibility.  

I was surprised they published it. The reason why I worried is they knew I was expressing a wider truth not spoken. 
See, this is nuclear waste materials is owned and produced by a private entity. It’s not even partially owned and controlled by the federal government. So why does a US government regulator become the public relation spokesperson on nuclear waste issues? Can’t the government wait to open your mouth until you actually own and control the material? Why aren’t the owners of this waste the primary spokesmen…the public know these are the guys are in control of the waste. We hold you businesses and real owners responsible!!! You made it, you bury it? 
When the government speaks for a private entity you are lending the government’s credibility to a private businesses or the nation is consuming our credibility for a private business. These businesses hate your guts and are fighting the government tooth and nail. 
You are doing the same thing on the plant operational side. The US government is increasingly lending our credibility…our nation’s credibility…disproportionately on a specific industrial sector. The NRC is increasingly becoming the nuclear industry’s plant public relation spokesman. You are excessively promoting the industry. We focus on blaming the government when a private business fails cause that is the only people we see and hear in this? The nuclear industry and the plants knows the liabilities of explaining and defending themselves publically. Cause then the public holds them accountable for what they say or neglect to say and do. The safest thing for these nuclear company’s is just to say as little as they can. Then never risk their own credibility unless they are forced too. They never volunteer to be openly accountable, democratic and transparent… 
The government has an infinite reservoir of credibility, so the NRC becomes/defaults into the promoter public relation spokesman for all the nuclear industry and nuclear plants. Why doesn’t the US government become the primary promoter public relation spokesman of all corporations and businesses against the weak and the poor? Is that a upside-down government or what?
Let the giant US government take the hit of their credibility for the nukes, my credibility and your credibility and the US government’s credibility. I just want to know what our government gets for this favor? Remember most these giant corporations and plant employees have very little respect for their great nation in the bowels of their corporate offices and nuclear plants. They spend the majority of their high income lives trying to tear down and speak down the US government in any way they can. Our government. Your neighbor’s government. My government! 
I live in the greatest nation on the planet! My state I am not so sure. 
Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

Moments in NRC History: Regulating for Safety and Non-Proliferation, Part II” 

Anonymous December 2, 2015 at 8:50 am

Well, what I don’t like about nuclear nonproliferation activities with our government, parts of this has been blighted my mind boggling cover-ups such as the megatons to megawatt program and the forced federal takeover nationwide with the deposition of used nuclear fuel. Greed and political agendas took priority over doing what is in the best interest for the nation. The idea the majority of the electricity from US nuclear power plants was from corrupt Russian uranium supporting a corrupt government.

Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

Note: Moved by the Moderator

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