Thursday, December 17, 2015

More Indian Point Junk

Lots is nuclear plant issues with switchyard insulators. I was spot on with my guesses with what caused this.
Cuomo calls for investigation of Indian Point nuclear plant

Why doesn't Gov Cuomo order the plant to be shutdown. I doubt the governor actually has the power to do this. Its called ceremonial or the power of influence and position. You don't need rules for the use of these kind of power. I doubt Entergy would operate a plant contrary to the started wishes of the Governor.    
"The company said workers replaced several electrical insulators on a high-voltage transmission line this week prior to returning Unit 3 to service. Insulators protect transmission lines and related electrical equipment from the high-voltage associated with each line.
Next, engineers will examine the replaced insulators over the next few days to help determine the cause of the electrical disturbance, company officials said." 
My guesses.
"Their switchyard is a wreck."  
"Maybe the insulator..."
Reposted from 12/15

Hmm, getting this might be undetected damage from the transformer fire...

Maybe the insulator...

The first Indian Point trip this month. Hey, at least River Bend is still up to 100% power. Humm, vibrations with a main coolant pump. They lose a blade?  
Dec 6: Indian Point Unit 2 Scram
Their switchyard is a wreck.  
Entergy: Indian Point nuclear power plant shut down due to electrical issue

Officials say one of the Indian Point nuclear power plant's reactors in suburban New York has been shut down due to an electrical disturbance.

By The Associated Press
Posted Dec. 15, 2015 at 9:00 AM


By The Associated Press

Posted Dec. 15, 2015 at 9:00 AM

Officials say one of the Indian Point nuclear power plant's reactors in suburban New York has been shut down due to an electrical disturbance. 
Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement that “Because of the number of recent unplanned outages, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's requirements will result in increased inspections and scrutiny of the plant. A thorough investigation of this shutdown is underway and we will make sure the safety of New Yorkers is not compromised.” 
Plant owner Entergy says the Indian Point 3 reactor was automatically shut down at about 7 p.m. Monday. The company says the disturbance on the non-nuclear side of the plant is related to a high voltage transmission line. There was no release of radioactivity and no threat to the public. 
The Indian Point 2 reactor was shut down for three days earlier this month due to a tripped circuit breaker. The two reactors together supply about one-quarter of the power used in New York City and Westchester County. 
The nuclear plant is located in Buchanan, about 30 miles north of midtown Manhattan.

Power ReactorEvent Number: 51606
Region: 1 State: NY
Unit: [ ] [3] [ ]
RX Type: [2] W-4-LP,[3] W-4-LP
Notification Date: 12/14/2015
Notification Time: 19:49 [ET]
Event Date: 12/14/2015
Event Time: 19:06 [EST]
Last Update Date: 12/14/2015
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY
10 CFR Section:
50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL
Person (Organization):

UnitSCRAM CodeRX CRITInitial PWRInitial RX ModeCurrent PWRCurrent RX Mode
3A/RY100Power Operation0Hot Standby
Event Text


"At 1906 [EST] on 12/14/2015, Indian Point Unit 3 received a Main Generator Lockout trip signal, and the reactor automatically tripped. Site personnel reported seeing arcing on a 345kV output transmission line tower. At the time of the trip, there was moderate rain and fog in the area. The site fire brigade leader investigated the reports of arcing and found no evidence of fire; fire brigade response was not required.

"All automatic systems functioned as designed and all control rods inserted automatically. Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps started automatically due to expected low steam generator levels following a reactor trip from 100% power. Unit 3 is being maintained in Mode 3 with decay heat removal via steam dumps to the condenser. Offsite power remains available and in service from 138kV to the 480V safeguards buses. The cause of the Main Generator Lockout signal is being investigated.

"Unit 2 was not impacted and continues to operate at 100% power.

"The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified."

After the trip, operators observed high vibrations on the 33 reactor coolant pump which eventually returned to normal range.

The licensee will be notifying the New York Public Service Commission and their local Independent System Operator. A press release will be issued by the Communications Department.

"Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls it another unexplained incident and has ordered the state Department of Public Service to investigate
“Because of the number of recent unplanned outages, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s requirements will result in increased inspections and scrutiny of the plant,” Cuomo said in a statement. “A thorough investigation of this shutdown is underway and we will make sure the safety of New Yorkers is not compromised.”"

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