Thursday, December 10, 2015

An Era In Nuclear Power History Nobody Ever Seen Before?

I have to disabuse you of the idea that our times are similar to any other era in nuclear power history.

I can make the case in all our nuclear industry accidents and tribulations, all of these events were initiated from financial, budget limitations or inappropriate priorities. The withdrawal of resources from a nuclear plant or just simply not having enough resources to keep up with the normal degradations mechanism of an operating nuclear reactor. The nuclear power industry is particularly bad at doing budget cuts professionally.
The unprecedented processes ongoing:

1)   Runaway electric price deflation-The miraculous nature gas and petroleum fracting technology. Basically we are finding bigger and more easily obtainable gas reservoirs than we ever imagined before. They are stacking up on top of each other. The majority of nuclear plant are no longer making enough money to stay viable and we are in a severe intensification of this phase.

2)   The nuclear Industry (NEI) is instituting the largest experiment in the history of the industry. They are massively and almost instantaneously cutting 30% from the budgets of all nuclear plants.

3)   The NRC is massively reforming themselves towards the ends reducing their agency budgets in the same timeframe

4)   Another unprecedented grand experiment: The aging fleet of nuclear power plants.

Get ready for a blizzard of mindboggling stupid mistakes occurring at nuclear plants for no explainable reason? Or it becoming excepted practice.        

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