Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Millstone's plant Level "Alert" Junk Diesel Generator

Update 11/5
Believe they got seven days to fix it before they are required to shutdown by tech specs.

event notification

At 1133 EST on 11/4/15, an Alert was declared due to a fire in the 'A' Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) enclosure. Fire caused damage to the safety related EDG and was declared inoperable. The fire is out, and off-site assistance was not necessary. A fire watch has been stationed, and no personnel injuries were reported.

The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified DHS, FEMA, USDA, HHS, DOE, DHS NICC, EPA EOC, FEMA NWC (via email), FDA EOC (via email) and Nuclear SSA (via email).


At 1446 EST on 11/4/15, Millstone Unit 3 terminated the Alert declaration following satisfactory atmospheric samples at the site boundary and notifying the State of Connecticut.

The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1DO (Rogge), NRR EO (Morris), and IRD (Grant).

Notified DHS, FEMA, USDA, HHS, DOE, DHS NICC, EPA EOC, FEMA NWC (via email), FDA EOC (via email) and Nuclear SSA (via email).

Unit 3 is the three special inspections Turbine Driven Auxiliary feedwater pump poor maintenance plant...

I wasn't sure if it was the backup, backup flex DG or the emergency diesel generator. Commonly they have a oil leak and the oily insulation catches fire. It is not a big deal. Not much can catch fire on the engine. This seem much bigger than that. Maybe a breaker explosion or the generator catching fire?
The fire occurred on the Unit 3 diesel generator while it was being tested after a maintenance outage. The fire started about 11 a.m. and went out on its own shortly afterward. Backup diesel generators are used to provide power to the station when normal offsite power is lost.
First report:
Dominion Generation (NYSE: D) declared an Alert at its Millstone Power Station Unit 3 in Waterford, Conn. today.

The company declared an Alert at the station at 11:33 a.m for Unit 3. Federal, state and local officials have been notified. An Alert emergency is the next to least serious of four emergency categories in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's rating system.

The emergency was declared because of a fire in the Unit 3 backup diesel generator. The fire quickly burned out.

No release of radioactive material has occurred as a result of this event. Minor releases associated with normal plant operations pose no danger to the public or plant workers. These minor releases are below federally approved operating limits, below natural background levels and can not be detected at the site boundary.

Millstone Unit 3 continues to operate normally at 100% power and Millstone Unit 1 remains in its decommissioned state. Unit 2 is in a routine refueling outage.

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