Monday, November 09, 2015

Fukushima Triumphalism : A NRC Teenager's La La La?

I would think a healthy industry would find problems from a foreign reactor and quickly create fixes such that a similar event would never happen in the USA. And be done with the talk about it

But the incessant triumphant happy talk about Fukushima fixes is drowning out the weak links in our domestic nuclear industry. What are our current problems and how are we moving to confront and fix them? We got a lot out there, babe! It is like that teenager babbling la la la trying to drown out the advice from loving adults. It is so cute. Is Fukushima, especially from the high officials in the NRC…is it their safe and non-controversial drowning out babbling talk. Is Fukushima, Fukushima, Fukushima drowning the talk and discussions of more important problems in our domestic nuclear industry?

You may recall just two weeks after the accident, the Commission directed a task force of senior NRC staff members to make recommendations for strengthening safety at U.S. nuclear power plants. This Near-Term Task Force provided a preliminary, first-cut set of 12 recommendations after a 90-day review.

Those recommendations became the starting point for a more in-depth assessment that later considered input from the industry, public, other stakeholders and additional NRC staff members, and was acted upon by the Commission. The result of the more detailed assessment was a prioritization of the most significant work, which was then implemented through a series of orders, requests for information, and rulemaking.

I am extremely proud of what we’ve achieved in the years after the accident to make nuclear power even safer. The response to the accident illustrates the positive outcomes that can be achieved when operators and the regulator work cooperatively, with due regard for our respective roles, to enhance the safety of nuclear facilities. We took the term “lessons learned” to heart and took action...

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