Monday, November 02, 2015

Entergy's Waterford Nuclear Plant: Junk Diesel Generators

Regular testing of the diesel generators leading to electrical components failing in both. God only knows how many components will failed under the stress of a big accident. 

This is where we are heading and the NRC knows it. We are going to have LOOP at a nuclear plant and both DGs are going to trip on junk Chinese untraceable electrical components. They don't even tell us when this components were put in? 

I telling you, our nuclear industry is having big troubles with non traceable junk Chinese mechanical and electrical components getting into our nuclear plants.      

Both Emergency Diesel Generators Declared Inoperable 

On August 26, 2015, both Emergency Diesel Generators at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3) were declared inoperable, causing entry into Technical Specification action f.

On August 26, 2015, at 0111 CDT, EDG [DG] 'A' was declared inoperable following a trip of EDG 'A' on Generator Differential [87]. TS actions b. and d. were entered. EDG 'A' was being run in accordance with OP-903-115, "Train A Integrated Emergency Diesel Generator/Engineering Safety Features Test," Section 7.4, "24 hr EDG ‘A’ Run with Subsequent Diesel Start" to satisfy TS Surveillance Requirement (SR) EDG 'B' was subsequently started per TS action b.(1) which requires the demonstration of Operability of the remaining Operable EDG to preclude common mode failure of the remaining EDG. At 0740 CDT, EDG 'B' was declared inoperable and TS (restore one of the inoperable EDGs to Operable status within 2 hours or be in at least Hot Standby within the following 6 hours) was entered due to the EDG ‘B’ room exhaust fan [FAN] not starting when the diesel engine was started. Troubleshooting determined that the EDG ‘B’ room exhaust fan did not start due to HVR-501B (EG B ROOM OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE DAMPER) [DMP] not opening. Action was taken to isolate air and fail HVR-501B to its open safety position. At 1001 CDT, EDG 'B' was declared operable and TS was exited following verification of proper operation of the EDG 'B' room exhaust fan. The station remained in TS and d. with EDG ‘A’ remaining inoperable.

The amount of time that both EDGs were inoperable was 2 hours and 20 minutes. During this time, a brief was conducted and preparations for a plant shutdown were completed. Prior to exceeding the allowed outage time, EDG 'B' damper HVR-501B was failed open and the room exhaust fan started.

EDG ‘A’ Generator Differential

EDG 'A' was being run in accordance with OP-903-115, "Train A Integrated Emergency Diesel Generator/Engineering Safety Features Test," Section 7.4, "24 hr EDG ‘A’ Run with Subsequent Diesel Start" to satisfy TS SR The EDG function of supplying standby electrical power on receipt of a “test” or “emergency” command signal are different in that during an Emergency Mode start of the EDG, all Test Mode trips and alarms are bypassed with the exception of overspeed and generator differential.

The direct cause for EDG ‘A’ tripping on GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL was the internal shorting of EG ECT2316 C TRANSF, NB8 Current Transformer, due to insulation failure.

The EG ECT2316 C TRANSF is a Westinghouse type KIR-60 current transformer style 7524A01G16 with serial number 28218571. There are no lot or date codes printed on the current transformer or its nameplate. The current transformer is only energized when EDG ‘A’ is supplying the 3A bus.

A vendor performed a failure analysis of the failed EG ECT2316 C TRANSF, current transformer and issued a failure analysis report dated October 9, 2015. The report concluded that the failure was due to a manufacturing defect. Specifically, there were voids found in the insulation and the thickness of the insulation material around the fault area appeared reduced when compared to the other areas of the current transformer. It is believed that the thinner insulation in combination with voids increased the electrical stresses causing the insulation to break down. This eventually resulted in a fault. The insulation breakdown and resultant fault created a ground condition on the Diesel Generator bus.

On October 9, 2015, Waterford 3 received information from the external evaluation concerning the Generator Differential Current Transformer. The evaluation concluded that a manufacturing defect internal to the current transformer was the cause of the failure. On October 22, 2015, engineering evaluation determined the manufacturing defect could create a substantial safety hazard, as defined in 10 CFR 21, and provided the site vice president information of the defect the same day. Additional information identified in the report is as follows: Constructor - Westinghouse Type KIR-60 current transformer, style 7524A01G16, serial number 28218571; Defect and safety hazard - There were voids found in the insulation, and the thickness of the insulation material around the fault area appeared reduced when compared to the other areas of the current transformer. There is only one transformer of this type remaining installed in the plant. Scheduled replacement is no later than November 15, 2015.

EDG ‘B’ HVR 501B failure

On August 26, 2015, EDG 'B' was started per TS action b.(1) which requires the demonstration of Operability of the remaining Operable EDG to preclude common mode failure of the remaining EDG. At 0740 CDT, EDG 'B' was declared inoperable and TS (restore one of the inoperable EDG's to Operable status within 2 hours or be in at least Hot Standby within the following 6 hours) was entered due to the room exhaust fan not starting when the diesel engine was started. Troubleshooting determined that the EDG ‘B’ room exhaust fan did not start due to HVR-501B (EG B ROOM OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE DAMPER) not opening. The solenoid on HVR-501B was replaced and tested satisfactorily. The solenoid was inspected on site both externally and internally and it was determined that there was mechanical wear on the inside of the solenoid, the air inlet valve plug was bound up inside the solenoid coil, and that the solenoid coil itself appeared to be good. Photographs of the condition were sent to an offsite vendor who concluded that rapid cycling of the solenoid valve might be the cause of the excessive wear and damage to the components...
These guys had some big LER recently. Obviously this is a direct offshoot of my "Mike Mulligan River Bend special inspection. Basically a inability to control reactor water level over long periods of time. This is identical to River Bends problems. It is really sickening...   
Licensee Event Report (LER)2015-004-01, Emergency Feedwater System Flow Oscillations and LER 2015-005-01, Manual Reactor Trip due to Low Steam Generator Levels Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)

The safety function of the EFW system is to provide sufficient supply of cooling water to one or both SGs for the removal of decay heat from the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) [AB] in response to any event causing low SG level coincident with the absence of a low pressure trip.

On June 3, 2015, Waterford 3 was in Mode 1 at approximately 100% power. There were no structures, components, or systems that were inoperable at the start of the event that contributed to the event.

The manual reactor [RCT] trip due to low SG levels is reported in LER-WF3-2015-0005.
EVENT DESCRIPTION At 1704 on June 3, 2015, Waterford 3 experienced a loss of the “A” Main Feedwater Pump. At 1705, the reactor was manually tripped when SG levels were continuing to lower. At 1707, an EFAS [JE] was automatically actuated to both SGs as SG level decreased. Flow initially stabilized at 250 gpm with the Primary Flow Control Valves (PFCVs) [FCV] providing flow and the BFCVs [FCV] closed. Both SG levels continued to decrease and the EFW [BA] control logic shifted the operation of the BFCVs to flow control mode to maintain flow to each SG. EFW flow stabilized and then SG levels began recovering. At 1709, the EFW AB pump [P] reached rated speed and EFW header discharge pressure increased. Shortly afterward, wide, frequent fluctuations in EFW flow were observed which was not in accordance with the expected system response.

Operations personnel observed that the controller [FIK] outputs for both BFCVs were oscillating frequently and widely. Both PFCVs operated correctly in automatic (the controller outputs remained steady and the valves remained in their fixed position). To prevent further oscillations, both BFCV controllers were taken to manual and then closed at 1715. The oscillations stopped concurrent with taking the valves to manual control. Operations personnel cycled both BFCVs in manual with no further flow oscillations noted. After confirming that they could control both BFCVs in manual, the operators closed the PFCVs. EFW flow to the SGs was controlled by operation of both BFCVs in manual for the remainder of the event, until EFW was secured. 
The EFW flow control logic [JB] and both BFCVs were declared INOPERABLE due to the FCV oscillation and actions per TS 3.3.2.b and were entered, respectively. The EFW system functioned adequately to fill the SGs and maintain the specified safety function (Reactor Coolant System Heat Removal).

This event and the manual reactor trip were immediately reportable (reference EN # 51116) under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), Specified System Actuation, and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS Actuation (scram), respectively. Investigation has revealed that the components comprising the EFW flow control system were not configured to appropriately respond to the changes observed in the system operating parameters. Both EFW BFCVs cycled more than assumed in the nitrogen accumulator [ACC] sizing calculation. The excessive cycling has the potential for exhausting the accumulators prior to their 10 hour analyzed mission time in the event of a loss of Instrument Air (IA) [LD]. These accumulators also supply backup nitrogen to the ADVs. Periodic testing to confirm the stability of the BFCVs in the automatic flow control mode has not been performed. It is therefore reasonable to assume that this condition has likely existed within three…

A root cause evaluation was completed for this condition. The direct cause of this condition was an instability in the control system setup of the EFW BFCVs that occurred when the valves were operating in the flow control mode. This resulted in the continuous cycling of the EFW BFCVs.

The root cause of this event was that the components comprising the EFW flow control system were not configured to appropriately respond to the changes observed in the system operating parameters.

Analysis has concluded that the unstable behavior seen in the flow control mode is explained if the valve gain or controller gain was improperly selected for both loops. With the gain improperly selected, a perturbation in EFW flow would have caused a feedback effect that would have setup a varying output signal to the FCVs. The analysis eliminated all other potential causes except the following all tied to system gain: 
 Controller proportional gain and reset interval 
 Valve trim (linear) results in greater than desirable flow when the valve is operating close to its seat 
 Valve stroke time set too fast 
 Volume booster setup improper for both valves. 
Follow on corrective actions are assigned to determine the sensitivity of the control system to these parameters and to determine if the potential identified causes may have shifted the system to unstable operation. These actions are also directed to determine

One contributing cause of this event was that there is no periodic testing that confirms the stability of the BFCVs in the automatic flow control mode. No startup test exists where the system was allowed to shift the BFCVs to the flow control mode and control in this mode. Calibration checks of the flow control loops and actuator are periodically performed; however, these tests do not provide sufficient intrusiveness to determine instabilities in system operation in all modes.

A second contributing cause of this event is that previous corrective actions were ineffective at determining the cause of the EFW flow instabilities and confirming the oscillations were corrected. EFW flow oscillations of similar magnitude and frequency were observed following a plant trip on January 21, 2013. There were missed opportunities noted in response to this event that may have led to earlier discovery of the causes.
Entergy spent a lot of money on this violation getting them to downplay it. Basically NRC inspectors walked to the roof and found it before Entergy did.

During a walkdown of the Emergency Diesel Generator Feed Tank A and B vent lines on October 22, 2014, an NRC Component Design Basis Inspection inspector identified corrosion on the Emergency Diesel Generator Feed Tank A and B vent lines where the vent lines pass through the roof. A visual inspection was performed and revealed that the corrosion had created through wall holes that could allow water into both the train A and B Emergency Diesel Generator Feed Tanks.

Follow up analysis has determined that some rainfall amount less than the postulated Probable Maximum Precipitation event could have resulted in water intrusion into the Emergency Diesel Generator A and B Feed Tanks that exceeds the 0.1 percent water content allowed by the vendor technical manual. This could have potentially affected the operability of both the A and B Train Emergency Diesel Generator Feed Tanks and subsequently both trains of the Emergency Diesel Generators. It is unknown how long this corrosion has existed. Compensatory measures were put in place to prevent water ingress should a large rainfall event occur.

Junk plant operators and maintenance people. The operators inspect that room at least every 8 hours. They didn't find filter housing on the floor in two days. They should have tested their assertion of operability in trying to start up DG without the filter housing attached? 

Just saying over a few years...these guys got a amazing record of unreliability with their DGs!!!! Amazing record...
Licensee Event Report (LER)2014-002-00 Inadequate Tightening of Starting Air Filter Housing results in Inoperable Train A Emergency Diesel Generator During an operator tour of the train A Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) room on March 1,2014 at approximately 12:39, it was discovered that the filter housing cover on the EDG A Starting Air Filter had unfastened from its base and was lying on the floor. The last successful start of the EDG A that demonstrated its capability to meet its safety function was on February 27, 2014 at 11:33 and it is postulated that the cover became unfastened during that run. Therefore, EDG was potentially inoperable for 2 days as a result of this condition. Since the condition was unknown at the time, the Technical Specifications required test of EDG B was not performed within 8 hours and the requirement to demonstrate the operability of the remaining A.C. circuits at least once per 8 hours or to be in Hot Shutdown within the next 6 hours was not performed. The cause was insufficient tightening of the filter housing cover during maintenance on April 8, 2013. The insufficient tightening had not been preventing the EDG A’s ability to start within the required times prior to its becoming unfastened. EDG A was returned to OPERABLE condition by refastening the filter housing cover to its base. The other filter housings on EDG A and EDG B were verified to be properly fastened. An evaluation is being conducted to determine if a torque requirement is necessary for the filter housing covers…

Basically been inop since poor maintenance in 1999. They had a data point in the computer for low DG room ventilation flow, but nobody looked at it. No direct alarm on the control room annunciators. It is poor plant design like the emergency feedwater supply. Another big issue with the NRC.

So long term emergency feedwater supply to the steam generator (core cooling and the long term unreliable of the diesel is a bad mix. 

What else are they hiding on us? 
Emergency Diesel Generator Inoperable Due To Room Exhaust Fan Failure Waterford 3 declared Emergency Diesel Generator B (EDG-B) inoperable on May 22, 2013 due to inability to maintain room temperature within design limits. Subsequent trouble shooting revealed that the variable pitch room exhaust fan had failed due to separation of the fan hub from the hub sleeve. Examination of recent operating data showed that the first evidence of fan failure had been during a surveillance test the previous month. An apparent cause evaluation determined the probable cause of the failure to be the result of repairs made during a previous (1999) fan motor replacement. These repairs caused additional stresses on the fan hub components which eventually resulted in fan hub separation from the hub sleeve. On 4/25/2013, hydramotor replacement retesting was completed by satisfactorily operating EDG-B per OP-903-068. A later review of trends indicated the fan LO FLOW computer point (PMC point D60417) was indicating abnormal (LO) for the duration of this run; the LO FLOW condition had not occurred prior to this 4/25/2013 run.The LO FLOW PMC point does not alarm in the control room and was not detected by Operations or Engineering at this time. This point is for long term trending and is not necessarily monitored during each EDG run. Computer trends indicated the fan motor current was approximately 64 amps and ambient temperature was approximately 60 deg. F.


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