Thursday, October 08, 2015

What Is My Definition of Teabagger?

Somebody e-mailed me saying they don't know what a teabagger is. It was a stupid newspaper reporter.
Somebody who can put both human testicles inside his mouth at the same time : )

The NRC just put up a NRC blog entry in support of my teabagger position. Explaining the value of research reactors.

It is a vulgar euphemism for people who side with or belong to the tea party.  Basically government disruptors… extremist libertarian like mided people without a conscience out to disrupt and destroy government for fun. I consider them all national security terrorist.

Examining the Reasons for Ending the Cancer Risk Study
Here are political senatorial terrorist trying to disrupt and destroy government (NRC) I just illuminated on the NRC blog. 
Me on the NRC's Blog: “I believe the pressures to not do the radiation study comes from the congressional anti-government regulatory disruptors. These concentrated forces are severely disrupting plant NRC oversight and it is only going to get worst if the House and Senate are taken over by the extremist government hating forces. As the recent senate NRC budget hearing highlighted, if the inept NRC (Sen. Inhofe) can’t keep tract of federal spending documentation on $91 million dollars worth of reactor research, (me) do you think the documentation on plant oversight is any better? I keep thinking about the Pilgrim recent daily event report with the NRC missing the 1992 information notice on fire protection wire hot short issue.”

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