Thursday, October 22, 2015

First Governmental Declared Luekemia In Fukushima

This could be just a normal presentation of leukemia...

On the other hand, this guy is young and this disease popped up quickly after his exposure. The Japanese are notorious with not monitoring radiation accurately on there nuclear employees. Usually radiation leukemia takes in excess of twenty years to develop. This is the first time a major nuclear accident happened in  modern democracy. We would openly acknowledge Fukushima leukemias and cancers.

If this Leukemia is caused by Fukushima, then there will be a enormous population of new leukemias following this poor guy. It will have a profound shadow over the nuclear industry world wide.

They got accurate epidemiological radiation model or a few data points could get you to know the magnitude of the estimation cancers caused by Fukushima. Forty thousand radiation worker during this so far.

The health ministry Tuesday certified a man with leukemia as having suffered an industrial accident and being entitled to benefits after he was exposed to radiation as a construction worker at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, though it did not confirm there was a link between the radiation and the cancer.
The man, now in his early 40s, is the first person involved with working at stricken facility to receive the certification for developing leukemia.
He installed covers for the damaged reactor buildings at the plant between October 2012 and December 2013 before being diagnosed with leukemia, according to the ministry. He developed the disease while in his 30s…

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