Saturday, October 17, 2015

Chinese Black Market 2 Stage Safety Relief Valves In Pilgrim Now?

Everyone knows the NRC Blog is a back door method for me to speak to Entergy. So your paragraph is aimed to Entergy too.

Do you think the 2010 3 stage SRVs were "new" valves. Target Rock no longer makes nuclear SRV valves…they haven’t done this for decades. Who even knows where they get repair and replacement parts? This is the world obsolete aged nuclear plants and our times…the manufacturers no longer support their lines or the manufacturer is no longer in business. They reverse engineer these kind or components…we are better reverse engineering than the Chinese now. Worse, companies like target rock blackmail companies like Entergy to get a cut out of reverse engineering because they own the patents with the component. We have big companies who specialize in reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is very dangerous because they don’t keep track of the history of the component or their failure mechanisms. These nuclear junk yard obsolete component vendors and contractors…it is a very lucrative business. Basically for these large manufacturers, the nuclear sector is not sustainable or profitable because no growth and a too small market.

So Pilgrim borrowing the two stage from another plant…this supports the idea of a secret black market in SRVs. Think about it, a plant has a set of standby SRVs, why would they risk a long shutdown if SRV problems show up at their plant. The don’t have enough good SRVs to place in the plant. We think “got SRVs from another plant” is a cover story for we got the 2 stage from the black market nuclear junk yard vendor.

I got a question, why didn't Pilgrim comprehensively refurbish the 2010 2 stage SRVs and have them in their store room just in case? Where did Pilgrim's old 2010 2 stage SRVs go? What plant?

This might all be at the heart of all the SRVs and similar relief valve(PORV) problems in the Industry…components and repair parts not comprehensively supported by a large and reputable USA manufacturer who keeps track of the component failure history. I am a mental freak with my ability to puzzle out an accurate model of these large system (Donald Trump?).

These nuclear component junk dealers and their new or replacement repair parts venders, contractors and specialized businesses…the USA don’t make these small replacement parts anymore. You can call or e-mail over to China the specs on a repair part…they will have the part at your door in a few weeks. They are really hungry for business in china. One wonders the magnitude of this outside the obsolete component business this is? China is notorious with their middleman. The part will be made in a factory…it will go through 5, 10 or even 20 secretive untraceable middlemen before coming to your door.

So I will add your paragraph to the NRC blog. It will be posted on Monday. The value of it is, Entergy and the NRC will see where we are heading. I doubt you will get a straight answer. I am notorious with writing up petitions to the NRC…10 CFR 2.206...they are all waiting for this. If somebody gains new information on this whole deal, if you pass it on to me, I make up a quickie 2.206 and submit it to the NRC. The value of me is I got a long relationship with the NRC, all the companies are watching me, everyone thinks I am highly influential with the agency. As example this spring, on my call, I got two huge NRC special inspection at River Bend nuclear plant. “The Mike Mulligan River Bend special inspections.

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