Saturday, September 12, 2015


(9/13 fixed or added a little)

True Story!

Looking back at my experience with Keven(author) …It was exactly like I was in his universe and beyond. Was he god or one of his angels on earth playing as a regular person? Was god really scoping me out on earth, did he really care about me or the rest of us? Will I be talking to Kevin up in heaven in processing? “See Mike, when we worked in Walmart, didn’t I tell how it was going to go.” “You didn’t believe me”. Why wouldn't god or his angels be working in the Hinsdale NH Walmart?  

By Keven Jan Schnorbus
This book continues to open my heart and brand my thoughts, every time I read it. Read as a novel or used as a tool to deepen one's understanding of the gift of life, this is not an experience for the faint of heart. For the anthropologist and historian, it supersedes cultural differences while forging paths through the deep history of our human race. With hidden, as well as apparent, historical references, the reader is found engrossed in an original intertwining of the past and future. For the theologian, it is a look at what it means to seek and love God with new, thought provoking theories. The characters are lively, tangible and speak the language of any possible background. Philosophically entrancing and theologically challenging, this book speaks about the true origin of our universe...Love 
Kevin and I first met in the employee administration room in the old Walmart building- Hinsdale, NH. It was both our first day as an employee. We were filling out our paperwork and doing training on the Walmart computer training screen. We were both in our mid-fifties age. I felt like I was entering the worst job in America. We introduced ourselves…we discovered we were both heading to the worst and lowest job at Walmart. This was the lowest rung of the jobs ladder in America. There was no jobs rung below this, just infinite homelessness in tents and dissolution below this final irrevocable rung. Well, Keven thought it was the universes perfection with his big smile and happy face.

We were becoming Walmart truck trailer unloaders. One of his first comments was to me, “Mike, nobody ever escapes from Walmart”. He had a huge smile on. “Once Walmart got you in their clutches they never let you go.” “You at the bottom of the barrel, there is no job below this.” He was a little cocky and forward in this comment with just meeting him. I thought he was here because he had a mental illness. We were in the employee back office and a Walmart manager was in there? She smiling approved his comment. It felt like I was entering the 1960s TV show the Twilight Zone.  
We became great friends and enemies at times. I got fired there five times. I am really proud of this, I got fired for stealing time at Walmart. Basically in the casher's line purchasing lunch food “while on the clock”. They made me watch a recording of a security video with me actually stealing the time. Of course date and time stamped down to the second. I kept calling Arkansas and making complaints, writing seventeen pages of concerns and complaints to the big dogs there. They kept calling Hinsdale saying rehire him. I called OSHA and they wrote a letter to Walmart? They all knew it was me. Keven as you know, it was really hard work, but I did escape.
I knew Kevin was really really smart guy and mature…he had a gravitas beyond his years. I kept wondering why the hell is he working in Walmart? I kept wondering how many people did he murder or how many banks did he rob? He must have just got out of jail? Then one day, he came up to me saying, “I wrote a book, you want to read it.” Wait a minute, he is on the bottom rung of Walmart as a unloaded, nobody else would hire him just like me, and he wrote a book? He wrote an extraordinary complicated book about the human spirit and how the “all of everything” trains or evolves us? What the hell?

We had many epic spiritual decisions out in the Hinsdale Walmart parking lot both on and off the Walmart clock. We knew a least two cameras were recording our elicit discussions;the Walmart security cameras and the cosmic machine up and around above all of us. The great machine above us records our voices. It was right up my alley. Honestly wasn't it perfect, debating the most humongous questions on why we and the universe were here in the a Walmart parking lot as lowly unloaders? Keven told me god has a spectacular sense of humor and I greatly entertain him. It was the best book I ever read, it ranks right up there with the bible.
Am I Mike Mulligan or am I riding as a passenger on the Mike Mulligan experience as a unseen, uninvolved or unspoken rider? Am I Mike or the heavenly computer simulation of the real Mike's life and I am another spirit trying to deeply see and feel the Mike experience?

(I read it while it was in editing.)

I mean how cool would be, that while in heaven you could see and feel every person you ever met through their actual brain and body experience…you could perceive how they experience you? Keven says this process takes just a fraction of a second and it feels like you lived hundreds or thousands of lives. The amazing technology they got up there.  
Would you ever be able to stop crying if you could see and feel all the times you hurt or disappointed another…feel it as their brains or bodies felt you. Oh, my dear wife, I am so sorry...

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