Friday, August 21, 2015

Korean War II Begins Before Monday Aug 24, 2015

Monday Aug 24 Update (I finally got my date and day properly synced)

***Seoul, South Korea (CNN)Provocations, landmines, troops amassing -- just how severe are the current tensions between North Korea and South Korea?

Serious enough that the United States dusted off its war plan for defending South Korea in case the North started a war.

Two U.S. officials told CNN's Barbara Starr that top commanders have reviewed the war plans and are watching for what U.S. forces would be needed if it comes to war. 

***CNN today (The Korean President got elected to become tough on North Korea?):
"Seoul, South Korea (CNN)South Korean President Park-geun hye said Monday that she's still waiting for an apology from North Korea as marathon talks between the two sides over a recent spike in military tensions spilled into a third day. 
Park said that she wants Pyongyang to apologize for recent provocations, including landmine blasts that badly wounded two South Korean soldiers earlier this month. 
"This is a matter of national security and safety of our people," she said. "This not a matter where we can back down, even if North Korea maximizes its provocations and threatens security like it did in the past." 
Update Aug 23

Did Donald Trump say this morning the markets are collapsing as we speak.

Just saying, with Sagami Depot explosions, think about the automatic response the USA would need take if this turned out to be terrorism? Can you imagine if another event showed up and the terrorist would get caught...would we use a proportional response or would we take North Korea out considering they being so dangerous. You know,do you think our military leaders would think the North Koreans would be rational with accepting our proportional response? You think for one moment Obama would be honest with us considering the worldwide ramifications...
Remember, they say the Black Monday 1987 stock market collapse was initiated or made worst by the images of a burning Iranian oil rig in the Gulf seen on all our TVs on Oct 19, 1987. Is this what is in store for us tomorrow and Korean situation can only make it worst?  God only knows what other fires and explosion we will see in the coming days on our TVs and monitors. We live is such a different world today with our amazing world wide connectivity and modern cell phones with picture and videos.
Honestly, if it was North Korean terrorist just outside Tokyo with exploding you honestly think they would tell us the truth considering the worldwide stock market panic developing for Monday.
Japanese separatist or North Koreans terrorist sending the Americans a message?   
Huge explosions at US army base (Sagami Depot Japan-
35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion) in Japan as warehouse burns and emergency services rush to scene 
A helicopter is circling the military area in Sagamihara city after a series of massive bangs were heard from a warehouse which stores ammunition.
The site is part of a US army complex next to the capital where three deliberate explosions were reported in April, in what police suspect was an act of left-wing Japanese extremists. 
But so far there has been nothing to suggest this blast was terror-related.
Sagami Depot Japan with the recent explosions has a exalted history in Korea?   
The 35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Sagami Depot, Japan 
The 35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) lineage begins at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts, on March 15, 1944, when it was activated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 216th Quartermaster Battalion. The unit then deployed to Okinawa, Japan, where it participated in World War II’s Ryukyu campaign (March 26 ~ July 2, 1945) and earned the unit a campaign streamer.
Following its outstanding service in Japan, the unit deployed to Korea in support of rebuilding the Korean infrastructure. The unit was inactivated January 25, 1949, in the Republic of Korea. Two years later in March 1951 it was redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 35th Quartermaster Battalion, and allotted to the Regular Army.
On June 1, 1959, the 35th deployed to Germany and on September 25, 1961, it was reorganized and redesignated the 35th Quartermaster Battalion. Another name change occurred August 2, 1965, where it became the 35th Supply and Services Battalion. The unit continued its tradition of providing first-class combat service support in Germany until it was inactivated December 21, 1972.
The unit was reactivated October 15, 1987, and made its home at Sagami Depot, Japan, where it continues to conduct world-class depot operations and provides combat service support throughout the U.S. Army Japan and I Corps (Forward) area of operations. On October 16, 2006, the battalion was redesignated the 35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion.
So who could be instigating North Korea? Course N Korea could be doing this as a ploy to get any of these players to help them. 
China- I doubt it. Although they rescued them from the west in the Korean war and put them in the communist orbit as a result of the cold war. 
Russia- these guys might be funding them and supplying them with weapon as a means to get even with the western world. Putin might want to rile up the western world over sanctions with Crimea and the Ukraine. This again might be a ploy to coalesces the population from sanctions and Putin's failing popularity.  
Iran- maybe, but I doubt it considering their nuclear deal. 
The Saudis- there is one. 
ISIS-maybe divert us from Syria and Iraq problem.       
The butterfly affect?
It is just mind boggling one rouge artillery commander has the possibility to change the world. He initiates a barrage to the outside of Soul.
They used the talky-talky to just booster their defense and their attack stance. Why isn't the USA in a world wide alert and we are flooding Korea with all the instruments of our pathetically weak military.  
About 70% of Pyongyang’s submarines are away from their bases, South Korean defense ministry says
SEOUL—Talks between the two Koreas to end a military standoff stretched into a second night with Seoul accusing Pyongyang of trying to increase its leverage by deploying large numbers of submarines and artillery.

South Korea’s defense ministry said around 70% of Pyongyang’s submarines were away from their bases on Sunday in an unusually large deployment. North Korea has also doubled its artillery strength near the border since Friday, a ministry spokesman said…  
This is the original title, I really meant Aug 23 24. My bad bad.
'Korean War II Begins Before Monday Aug 21 23, 2015'  
Update Aug 22 

The North Koreans requested negotiations. It seems like a good sign. So they say once the war begins, the poppet South Koreans wouldn't budge and war is their fault.
Would a war coalesce the population around Kim Jong-un? Is the south going to cave to this nut one more time, give him a out to save face while embarrassing the south's Park Geun-hye.    
So why isn't Obama in Donald Trump style coming out in a press statement...if North Korea starts a shooting war we coming at them with whatever we got We going to cut off the head of the north Korean leadership. If you start a war under these conditions of a insecure world...we will reset the national leadership and charge the lot of you with war crimes. 
Personally I think the dramatic decline of 530 points with the stock market today was mostly the fear that the Korean war would be going full tilt by opening Monday morning. The big stock market players were worried a stock market collapse would be ongoing upon market start-up. I think there is a 80% chance of war Monday and we have become locked into it.
Just saying if N Korea was massively militarizing in anticipation of a near war… would our politian’s have the kahunas to initiate a preemptive war to limit the damage to S Korea and the western world?       
How pathetic CNN is with pulling their punches...they waited until the severely weakening stock markets were closed to start reporting on the Korean crisis.     

What if we wake up Monday morning with a massive artillery barrage ongoing in South Korea? Basically in a full scale war. War scenarios talk about 100,000s of Koreans dead within days and up to 10,000 Americans dead. Trillions of dollars will be eaten up in the war with world wide financial ramifications. Can one even imagine how CNN would cover this? 10 million people abandoning Soul Korea. There is outliers here with atomic weapons and biological warfare. I think from the opening barrage the N Koreans will be thinking we have to severely damage the south as for a eventual settlement. The USA's position would be quickly cuts their heads off at the earliest opportunity... 

Do they got sleeper cells in the USA...can you imagine bombs on soft targets in the USA? 
What if in the beginning the US fumbles this and we discoverer our military was too weak to put an immediate end to the hostilities? Iraq, Afghanistan and republican budget sequestration severely weakened our military.
I think this would damage the modern west way more than the North Koreans and the North Koreans know this.
What is the Donald Trump equation in this? Has he tilted the axis of the world already? We all have heard his position on a much strengthen military by a factor of a billion over and over again in recent weeks. 
And he declared, “I believe in the military and military strength more strongly than anybody running by a factor of a billion… We are gonna make our military so strong and so powerful and so incredible, so strong that nobody’s gonna mess with us, folks, nobody. And we don’t have that right now.”     
Has this Trumpism set the stage where we will have to use our iron fist? Everyone is preparing for war and some are fleeing their homes. Can you see him if we bungle the opening stages of the war with his big mouth. Trump will say, this is proof how weak we have become.
In two years, will we say the Korean War was the point where Trump's presidency was destiny...

Would a Korean war weaken or strengthen Trump?

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