Monday, August 24, 2015

Here Comes Our Aug 24 2015 Black Monday Predicted By me Yesterday

Update Aug 25

Just saying, today's weak stock Dow (350) recovery or spring back should scare the pants off you.

Our the hedge funds going to pop and then take out our banks.


***We dodged a big one today. Maybe it will go like weeks of declines and pops of 200 to 300 point down...then the black Monday.

All bets are off if the dollar continues to decline and our economy starts indicating a decline.

***Amazing collapse in the value of the dollar today...usually it is a flight into the dollar with such worldwide market problems. This is a amazing outlier. We are at 2009 dollar levels...

Is it really a Sovereign crisis  

***Did the "Federal Reserve Board" secretly open the "Discount Window" or reduce requirements to bolster the stock market. Or some other trick?  

***Dow down 1000 points...within minutes. 1000 is about 6% while black Monday close is 22.5%  

***I am predicting a Dow and others will have a computer malfunction and shutdown the markets for hours...

***CNBC Jim Kramer says the Chinese economy has stopped or froze up...maybe in a "black hole" recession. All our stock circuit breakers have been tripped before the market even opened.  

I predicted the 2015 Black Monday yesterday at about 5 PM. This is how I framed it in light of our Korean problem. It is only gotten hardened and worst on the Korean peninsular today.

This rich people worldwide are panicking. This is how the rich people do debt repudiation world wide.
Remember, they say the Black Monday 1987 stock market collapse was initiated or made worst by the images of a burning Iranian oil rig in the Gulf seen on all our TVs on Oct 19, 1987. Is this what is in store for us tomorrow and Korean situation can only make it worst?  God only knows what other fires and explosion we will see in the coming days on our TVs and monitors. We live is such a different world today with our amazing worldwide connectivity and modern cell phones with picture and videos. 
The Futures indicate a 700 point declined...if we have a similar Chinese decline it would go down in excess of 1400 points.

The Feds are out of ammo, we have very little ammo with rate cuts. They are going to have to drop tons of hundred dollar bills by a fleet of helicopter. This is extraordinary dangerous.  This is going to scare the pants of the public and create a automatic cutback in spending. We don't know it yet, we are already in a severe recession, heading for a depression.

You watch this disaster if they have to kick up the borrowing rates in order to save the dollar.

We've had a extraordinarily and historically poor recovery post 2008 collapse...

Ron Paul in 2014(I hate him because he hates government):   
Despite rising stock prices and a falling unemployment rate, the United States is on the brink of a catastrophic "financial crisis," according to former U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul. And the culprit could be the dollar.
"There's a huge bubble with the dollar," Paul said on Tuesday's "Futures Now." The Dollar index, which measures the dollar against a basket of other major currencies, is near 12-year highs as the Fed has retreated from its stimulative programs at just the same time that other central banks have introduced their easing measures. But rather than take the rally as a sign that investors see strength in the U.S. economy, the outspoken former congressman sees the dollar's massive move higher as simply a byproduct of a world awash in easy money.  
"It's not so much that the dollar is a great currency. It's the fact that nothing else is any better, said Paul. "The fundamentals are a disaster. The economy is in bad shape when you have more than half the people hardly making ends meet."
Paul declined to offer a catalyst or even a timeframe for when the dollar "bubble" could pop, but did warn that it does happen, it will be quick and unexpected. "Most of the time, these things are unforeseen," he said. "Did anybody warn us about 2007, 2008 in Lehman Brothers? Nobody warned us about that."
Basically our government has allowed the 1%ers to borrow money on a massive scale as a solution to our weak economy post 2008...basically today this is unparalleled debt repudiation on a massive scale by the 1%ers.  This is how the 1%ers do governmental debt repudiation...

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