Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jessie Roberson: New Republican NRC Commissioner Nominee

Just incompetent musical chairs between US boards and commissions. I think Jessie will be at the beck and call of the nuclear industry and US commissions...
Dive Insight:
Roberson is an ex-Bush official at the Department of Energy, but she currently serves as vice chairman of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board – a position Obama appointed her to a year ago, following years of service after being initially nominated by President Bill Clinton.
More significant than her nominatio itself may be that the NRC will finally have its full slate of five regulators, following significant turnover at in recent years. 
According to the DNFSB, Roberson has more than three decades of experience in the industry, “with profound experience in low level waste management, environmental restoration, reactor operations and project management.” Prior to working at the Department of Energy, Roberson worked at Georgia Power as a system engineering specialist in the late 80s. 
I don't like her. She seems to be moving around a lot.

I fault her with not making her troops dig deeper and pick up the decline of the Wasted Isolate Project Plant(WIPP)...see the organization breakdown and correct it before the contamination event and the one billion dollar waste of governmental monies over the incident. Along with Las Alamos who improperly filled the drums.

She has had her turn at detecting government failures and fixing them before they got big....why reward personal incompetence.

Honestly, is she competent:

Improvements Needed to Strengthen Internal Control and Promote Transparency [Reissued on March 2, 2015]

GAO-15-181: Published: Jan 20, 2015. Publicly Released: Feb 19, 2015. 
Is she just going to do nothing ride the governmental oversight  wave in the NRC like of WIPPS

Because she is black in a all white and male she going to be afraid to move her weight and influence around in order to serve the higher interest of the nation just like Obama.  In the lead up to the WIPPS, the DNFSB "BOARD" was horribly politically dysfunctional with infighting, just like the NRC in the last few years. What does she got to bring to the NRC commission table except a pretty face.

Maybe that is what the republicans want, another weak and do nothing commissioner and NRC???
Jessie Roberson, Nominee for Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Jessie Roberson is Vice Chairman and Member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), positions she has held since 2010.  In 2009, Ms. Roberson was the Senior Vice President for Environmental Affairs at Safe Harbor Energy.  Prior to that, she was an environmental consultant for Innovative Solutions from 2007 to 2009.  From 2006 to 2007, Ms. Roberson served as the President of the Nuclear Services Division at CH2M Hill.  Before that role, she served as the Director of Nuclear Regulatory Programs at Exelon Corporation from 2004 to 2006.  From 2001 to 2004, Ms. Roberson served as Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management at the Department of Energy.  She previously served as a member of the DNFSB from 2000 to 2001.  Ms. Roberson served at the Department of Energy as a Site Manager for the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site from 1994 to 2000 and as a Waste Management and Environmental Deputy Assistant Manager for the Savannah River Plant from 1989 to 1994.  Ms. Roberson worked for Georgia Power Company as a Senior Systems Electrical Engineer from 1987 to 1989.  Earlier in her career, she was a Nuclear Operations Manager at the Savannah River Plant for E.I. DuPont from 1981 to 1987.  Ms. Roberson received a B.S. from the University of Tennessee.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Our Board Members
Ms. Jessie Hill Roberson a native of Evergreen, Alabama, has over 30 years of experience in the nuclear engineering field, with profound experience in low level waste management, environmental restoration, reactor operations and project management. Ms. Roberson’s who is currently serving her second tour with the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board (DNFSB) was initially nominated as a member of the Board in September 1999 by President Bill Clinton. Ms. Roberson was confirmed by the United States Senate in January 2000. After a short departure from the board, Ms. Roberson was again nominated as Vice Chairman of the Board by President Barack Obama. Ms. Roberson is currently the acting Chairman.

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