Friday, May 08, 2015

Oyster Creek: Unreviewed Safety Problem

Seem they had another trip over a transformer short. Is this the end of Oyster Creek? Will plant operation become more chaotic as 2019 approaches? 

Licensing never considered the closing or heading to permanent shutdown problems with nuclear power plants. Do we need new rules???

It is when the parent company starts throttling down money to the plant, because after all, we are going to be shutting down in a few years. It not prudent wasting money on a dying plant. 

In the closing period of the life of the plant, the NRC doesn't fully enforce the license or rules of agency because we feel so sorry for these employees..all we got to do is get through another year or two, then the site will finally be silent.

We are massively dropping our shields in the closing period of plant operation. It would be a terrible shame if in the last year of a plant's life, an event or accident shames the whole industry.

And spinning in the background is Exelon whining (begging) to save financially a host of wounded Illinois nuclear plants.

(I not sure if shutting down a host of nuclear plant is a way to booster grid electricity prices or stabilize the decline of electricity prices because of fracting? 

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