Friday, May 22, 2015

Is the Indian Point Transformer Fire For Gov Cuomo His Vermont Yankee Moment?

The VY moment came when the plant official were asked in a Vermont legislative session if VY had pipes in the plant yard outside their buildings. The engineer said in technical language, no they didn't. Then they had a radioactive leak out in said yard. The word games then began. Basically the plant and the governor came under intense scrutiny. Republican Governor Douglas started getting weaselly words out of Entergy...Gov Douglas publicly said he couldn't trust anything out of Entergy. Governors are extremely vulnerable in nuclear plant crisis. They need a plant to be honest with them, because their job is on the line with the misbehaving plant. So if a nuclear company gets dishonest with the Gov, the Gov has to quickly disconnect themselves from the plant. Who really knows what is under the covers. It only makes it worst if the NRC plays it close to the vest. Remember just days ago the NRC gave IP good grades on the past year. 

I think this was all about the water in the electrical supply room. The NRC and Entergy made the Gov look like an idiot, as he wasn't able to discuss or disclose the water in the supply room. This snubbed or disrespected the Gov. The NRC should have allowed the Gov to disclose the special inspection. The rumblings in the background is Entergy is a die heart right wing teabagger, basically a anti government corporation and Coumo has to be a liberal governor. Is politics going on behind the scenes?

This is how I explained the snub to Cuomo by Entergy and NRC on the NRC's blog page when I first perceived it. I thought this had the high likelihood of setting off a all out war between Cuomo versus Entergy and the NRC.
(May 19) "Did the NRC shame Gov. Cuomo by not telling him about supply room water on the floor or did the Governor intentionally withhold the water leak in the said electrical room from the public for some reason? Why didn’t the Governor disclose the water on the floor? The information was big deal heading into a special inspection.
I think you will see the governor and NY in the media a lot more discussing secret internal issues at the plant. The gov will try ti destroy the reputation of Entergy and the plant. I don't think Entergy realizes the power of a rich, giant and high population state as New York. Does Entergy think gov Cuomo is weak with the Albany scandals brewing all around?    

Cuomo administration aiming to shutter Indian Point

May 22, 2015, 10:01am EDTThe Indian Point nuclear facility stands in Buchanan, New York, along the Hudson River north of New York City. (Photo by Tony Fischer. Used under Creative Commons license.)

New York state energy czar Richard Kauffman acknowledged that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration is pushing to close the Indian Point nuclear facility in Westchester County. 
That’s an unusual departure from the administration’s previous communications strategy on Indian Point, Capital New York explained, which has been to express concerns about the plant while talking around the notion of closing it. Entergy (NYSE: ETR), the facility’s owner, is in the process of seeking a 20-year license from the federal government, but Kauffman’s comments indicate the state is exploring its options for how to prevent continued operation there, the report said, including, perhaps, limiting Indian Point’s use of river water.
Replacing Indian Point, which provides a significant amount of electricity for the New York metropolitan area, could cost nearly $1 billion, according to a 2013 estimate from the New York Power Authority and Consolidated Edison (NYSE: ED). Capital New York noted that Kauffman also said “there are lots of developers that are prepared to commit capital to provide replacement power” should the plant shut down. 
Earlier this month, a transformer fire at Indian Point led to the automatic shutdown of one reactor, the Associated Press reported at the time. Cuomo took the opportunity to say there had been too many emergency situations at the plant recently, the AP reported.

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