Friday, May 15, 2015

Brunswick's DG Flex Building Already has Roof Leaks?

Oh, brother,
WO 13354886, March 30, 2015, FLEX diesel building roof leaks

So basically a backup, backup system much likes the flex program that the utilities don’t spend the resources to keep these machines fully operable. It is so predictable and foreseeable...

Limerick Generating Station 2015-001 
“fire safe shutdown diesel (FSSD) generator 
Introduction. The inspectors identified a Green NCV of LGS Units 1 and 2 operating license condition 2.C(3), Fire Protection, because Exelon did not implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the NRC approved fire protection program. Specifically, Exelon did not implement and maintain a maintenance program to ensure the operability of the FSSD generator by not ensuring a fuel oil supply was specified or was protected for typical winter cold temperatures.
 The FSSD generator is provided to power portable ventilation fans used for smoke removal and indoor temperature control in the control room, remote shutdown panel room, and auxiliary equipment room following fires which could impact normal ventilation systems. The portable ventilation fans and FSSD generator enable LGS to reach and maintain fire safe cold shutdown conditions assuming ventilation failures due to fire damage. However, the unavailability of the FSSD generator would not by itself prevent LGS from reaching and maintaining safe shutdown. 

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