Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fuel Failures At Garbage Dresden?

Who gives a shit why it happen? 

April 27, 2015: DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNITS 2AND 3  INSPECTION REPORT05000237/2015001; 05000249/2015001
Unit 3 began the inspection period at full power. On January 9, 2015, reactor chemistry sampling confirmed that a small fuel failure existed in the core. On January 17 operators reduced power to 82 percent to conduct testing as part of fuel failure identification and verification efforts, and returned to full power on January 18. On January 29, 2015, operators lowered power to 50 percent to conduct power suppression testing and identify the core location of the failed fuel. The failed fuel was identified and mitigated, and Unit 3 returned to full power on February 3. On February 28, 2015, the operators reduced power to 58 percent to conduct control rod sequence exchange, and full power was restored on the same day. With the exception of short periods for routine maintenance and surveillances, Unit 3 operated at or near full power for the remainder of the inspection period.

What a disgrace? 
Green. A finding of very-low safety significance, and an associated NCV of 10 CFR 20.1701 was self-revealed during work activities associated with the failure to effectively implement planned radiological engineering controls during reactor head reassembly that resulted in personal contaminations and unintended radiological intakes to workers. On November 14, 2014, during the cleaning of the reactor head studs, several workers on the refuel floor were contaminated, and received unplanned and unintended intakes of radioactive material. Corrective actions included revising applicable procedures to improve the engineering and contamination controls during reactor head reassembly.

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