Tuesday, March 03, 2015


I think he is a conservative and he is trying to bolster the conservatives in the USA no matter what it takes. I don’t like him, but it takes a tough bully to survive in that part of the world.
I visited Israel many years ago. I think Israel as our family and brother…do what ever it takes to assure my brother's survival and success. I think we owe that to the dead Jews for our failure before WW II, with standing by and doing nothing. I’ll die for your right of survival today!
Yep, just like us, they are not perfect.
Dam, I think Netanyahu is right. My philosophy is all war or total war, or doing nothing. Knock them out before they can damage our interest or hurt us. I think an injured mad dog running around the world is very dangerous. 
Iran killed or maimed many of servicemen in Iraq or Afghanistan...that is unforgivable!!! 
I think Netanyahu is betting on the right side; Iran is just stringing the USA along and they will never come to any agreement with the USA.

Is he setting up the president for a great fall?

So how is this going to look like in six months with everyone walking away from the negotiating table without no deal.

Netanyahu is playing Obama…

I sometimes think Israel always ends up undermining the current administration…either Bush or Obama…for the perceive greater ends of Israel in the future.
Maybe only as a tool for a Israeli politician to get elected.

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