Sunday, February 08, 2015

Pilgrim Up At Power: Very Little Information Released on what Happened in Juno?

What happens on Next Blizzard...they going to shutdown before the blizzard. Or let ur trip...
Plymouth: Pilgrim up and running again after blizzard forces shutdown
By Garo Hagopian

– Posted on February 8, 2015Posted in: Local News

The Pilgrim nuclear plant in Plymouth is back online.

Lauren Burm, a spokeswoman for Entergy, which owns the Plymouth facility, says it was reconnected to the grid on Saturday and began generating electricity at 2:40 p.m.

Pilgrim had been offline since its two main transmission lines were knocked out during the blizzard January 27.

Following the storm-related shutdown, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission sent a special investigation team to find out what happened.

Inspectors reportedly discovered a failure of one of the plant’s safety relief valves, among other things, but they point out that the facility was safely shut down.

Although the transmission lines were restored within a few days of the shutdown, Pilgrim remained offline for maintenance that Entergy says can only be done when the plant is dark.

Pilgrim is continuing its own investigation into what happened

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