Monday, December 08, 2014

NRC Checking if Gonads protected With Titanium Vest On Employees at Palisades (offical NRC pictures).

Entergy-Palisades replaced leaking CRMD housings more often than you change the oil in your car. To do this job, they take off the reactor vessel head and place it aside on the refueling floor. It is pretty radioactivity hot job and I think they are in respirators. They had lots of preventable fuel failures in the recent past and that makes this job particularly radioactivity hot.
Hmm, does these employees feel so insecure about the high radiation levels, the "not required vest" acts as a toddler blanket comforter?
Is it for beta or alpha protection?  
The below translated, Entergy said these titanium vest gave them more protection than they actually provided...meaning Palisades put down on the paperwork for these employees a radiation dose lower than what they actually got. They collectively got 98 rems more dose than what they first put down on paperwork. I am wondering of the HP contractor talked Entergy into this artificial titanium shield reduction in dose...hey, you can report your dose to the NRC lower than it actually is. How much of this titanium dose crap is going on throughout the industry. Palisades and Entergy is supposed to have highly educated and experience professional people on their staff such that this never could occur.
Well, it is a lot more complicated than I stated it. It is basically they got a tremendous radiation gradient, if they put  radiation detectors in the upper chest and their ass is sitting on a hot spot without a detector there…the dose detected is not accurate. Their fingers might be taking off a nut in a hot zone, with the rest of the body not being in that field. They basically got computer programs that can take these peripheral reading and come up with a whole dose.  
That reactor head and its control rod drive mechanism was defective and obsolete since the first day that reactor came into operation. Palisades should have designed, manufactured and installed a new head and CDRM package decades ago. But they been always been crying poor boy and one step away from permanent shutdown.
See, you can’t see this in its proper context. I bitterly complained about the dangerous and poorly designed primary coolant pumps during this very same outage. The NRC has been letting them get away with operating not according to plant designs and licensing for decades…thus causing impeller blades to fly out of the housing and get flung all around the coolant and stuck in areas in the reactor.
 It is like the tire nuts on your right front wheel being loose and you feel front end shaking as you drive the car. The NRC says this it is safe to drive until you get to the next oil change. If the NRC allows 100 nuclear plants to operate with that kind of attitude, then our nation is in deep trouble when eventually one plant pops its cork. 

Basically this is a slap on the wrist of Entergy having no meaning to interrupt the work on the CRDM job. This happened around early this year in Feb/Mar...why is this inspection report especially so late? Typically the NRC makes these reports like this, it is harmless to the big boy players… but it acts as protection against somebody calling it as a cover-up. This is how you do cover ups today…disclose it as a shield against somebody calling it coverup in in the future. It is corruption and cover-up protection. It is pretty smart really.

These guys are on artificial respiration and one breath away from a permanent plant shutdown…the NRC now has a policy to handle these guys with kit gloves..
December 2, 2014



Preliminary White. The NRC identified a finding and two apparent violations of NRC requirements associated with the replacement of CRD housings between February 6 and March 8, 2014. Specifically, the inspectors identified an apparent violation of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 20.1201, "Occupational Dose Limits for Adults," because the licensee failed to ensure that radiation worker dosimeters calibrated to the Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) were located at the highest exposed portion of the respective compartment, a condition of the NRC-approved method for determining effective dose equivalent external (EDEX). The inspectors also identified an example of an apparent violation of Technical Specification 5.4 "Procedures," associated with this finding. Upon identification of this issue, the licensee suspended the use of EDEX and tungsten shield vests. The licensee re-calculated the dose received for the workers involved and updated the nuclear power industry’s dose tracking system with the revised dose results. Additionally, a root cause evaluation was initiated under Condition Report CR-PLP-2014-04683.
Definitely gonads not protected.

What’s the NRC’s proof that body got gonads? 

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