Thursday, August 27, 2015

Saudis Bombing Our Nuclear Industry and our State of Texas.

Look at how crazy I sounded in in Oct 2014. I was widely optimistic. Now the Iraniums (Iran) are saying they will pump out at any price in order to gain market share. They are predicting by the end of fall most gasoline will sell at less than $ 2.00 a gallon. There is a lot of components causing petroleum including natural gas fracting. Look at where this $2.00 gas sits on the graph? I think this will last for 5 to 8 years.  

There is a lot of funny stuff going on in the grid trying to artificially bolster the price of electricity...sabotage low priced electricity. The low cost electricity today is mostly supporting the uncompetitive stock price of the utilities, not to drive low cost electricity to support our great nation and the greater economy.

I'd basically say all greenie electricity is ostensibly aimed towards supporting exorbitant electric prices to support the faltering utility stock prices. Most of the state and greenie subsidies is stealing food and support for poor people, massively sucking taxes from supporting government to us all and especially the poor people. Honestly, greenie energy is the greatest invention of the teabaggers and government haters. Do you want expensive green energy or roads, bridge and infrastructure. 

I don't mind a independent market that sells non productive expensive green electricity to rich 1%er people for empty status, environmental vanity and egotism...   

It is as if god evented the universe for the benefit for electric utilities...not god evented the utilities to support our nation and society.   

Reposted from Oct 10, 2014

Have you seen the decline in the prices of gasoline of recent? It is less than 3 bucks in Boston in some places. There is a high likelihood we are in price war and forces are aimed at destroying a large percentage of our expensive petroleum production capability.
Gets you wondering if this is how war looks like with Islamic fundamentalism.
A massive drop in petroleum prices and our real-estate,  S&Ls  and banks crumbles.  The last time this happed was in the Iraq and Iran war. These crazy guys were flooding the world with petroleum in order to limit their purchase of military weapon, along with the Saudis trying to reclaim their market share.  These guys nearly destroyed our well drilling capabilities and the economy of Texas was devastated with near depression level of economic declines.
All the other sources of energy are keyed to the price of petroleum.  I bet you we will be seeing at least a 33% decline in the price of electricity without considering our USA petroleum and natural gas miracle in the coming decade.
Texas is screwed again! Expensive green electricity is toast and I expect more bank failures over this.
The 1980s almost destroyed nuclear industry. The buildup of cost cutting nearly decimated our nuclear capacity by the mid 1990s. Do you remember all the nuclear industry troubles building up in the early 1990s and the Commissioner Jackson era?  The Saudis and others have commenced bombing our nuclear industry and the state of Texas as we speak!    

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