Sunday, October 12, 2014

Millstone is so Pathetic

So this is a Millstone two LER, they have had tons of problems with this pump. It Forced them into a shutdown. This sound so crazy certain!
Millstone Two
Event date: 7/26/2014
LER number 2014—007-00
Report date: 9/24/2014

The direct cause of the shutdown of MPS2 was the inability to identify the cause of the surveillance test failure and complete the repair and retesting activities within the allowed TSAS time. Subsequent troubleshooting found foreign material inside the TDAFW recirculation orifice. The foreign material was removed, the TDAFW pump was retested and satisfactorily passed the required TS surveillance test. Additional inspection did not find any additional foreign material. Additional corrective actions are being taken in accordance with the station's corrective action program.
The direct cause of the shutdown of MPS2 was the inability to identify the cause of the surveillance test failure, and complete the repair and retesting activities within the allowed TSAS time. Subsequent troubleshooting found a piece of foreign material inside the TDAFW recirculation orifice.

Then a month later they have another completely different problem
Backup Feedwater Pump Issues Prompt Second Special Inspection at Millstone This Year
Tue, Sep 16 2014 10:28 AM

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has sent inspectors to Connecticut's Millstone nuclear plant to investigate a malfunctioning backup feedwater pump also at the center of another special inspection earlier this year.
On Monday the agency announced it had dispatched three inspectors to unit 3 after the turbine-driven auxiliary pump unexpectedly stopped, then restarted without intervention during quarterly tests July 15 and Sept. 10. The pump has since been fixed, but in a release, an NRC official said the repetitive problems affecting it "continue to give the NRC concern.” The special inspection will study the cause of the problems and the adequacy of related testing.
In August, the agency issued a preliminary white finding after a special investigation into three over-speed trips of the same pump late last year and in January. According to the inspection report, that problem was traced to the installation of an incorrect cam follower bearing.
Millstone 3 is a Westinghouse four-loop pressurized water reactor first licensed in 1986. Both units at the Dominion plant are currently in the licensee response column of the NRC's action matrix.

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