Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Meltdown of Trust and Intergrity At Palisades nuclear Plant

Billie was once my lawyer and I didn’t like the outcome of my case.

Anyways, Billie was always naïve and out of the loop. The question is; lying and being deceptive is not safety related according to risk perspectives.

Calling a plant or employee a liar is basically a too big to fail philosophy. Calling them outright a liar would lead to enormous consequences: a shutdown or black listing of an employee for life. It intentionally takes way too much quality of evidence to make a call the employee has falsified an issue...thus integrity is never put into play. The the NRC positively incentivizes deception and lying in the so called interest of our nation. The NRC has turned upside down what is in our national interest...making the egency's interest above our national interest.  

It takes unobtainable triplicate proof that intentional lying went on, basically the liar has to admit he lied. Basically, if the agency went on a campaign of totally rooting out nuclear industry dishonesty, it would break the back of the nuclear industry, and threaten 20% of our electricity is the way they think. I say being being open and honest would lead to more profits and lower electric cost. They say the route to more profits and self-interest is through deception and lying.  The nuclear industry is too big and vital to tell the truth…the whole truth. It is too big and vital to our nation to fail. So we have institutionalized lying and deception in the NRC and in our political system.

It is now a natural and expected way to run the nuclear industry…

And basically the Confirmatory Action Letter and order is now but a tool for deception and lying, to keep a plant from not being accountable to the public. Does anyone in the industry ever really think they need to meet a CAL order or is it nothing but a bureaucratic and poltical façade?

Personally, I wouldn’t trust any third party nuclear industry safety consultant. It is all the arm of a deceptive and unaccountable nuclear industry. Any or all of the report can remain secret from the NRC and public and Entergy has dictatorial control of the investigation . For me to trust the safety consultant report, it would have to be independently funded off Entergy’s control. It would need be mandatory truth telling. I can’t see but the government funding this and the investigation be in  the total control of the independent and trustworthy organization.
Or they can just the shut the fuck down!

I am amazed Billie would want a commercial or corporate product? God, she must be so old now?

What we are really dealing here is systemic and widespread institutionalized lying and deception by the NRC and the corporate nuclear industry. It is, so called in the name of altruism or in the interest of our nation. It is really self-interest dressed up as "what is best for my family", altruism or what is in the greatest interest of our nation.
It is upside-down altrusim and family love!   
Law Office


August 11, 2014 (revised)

Mark Satorius
Executive Director for Operations
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555-000 l

Dear Mr. Sntorius:

The safety culture within the Security Department at the Palisades nuclear power plant has reached the point that sig:1ificant regulatory intervention is required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to ensure that reasonable assurance exists that the public is protected from security related threats and incidents.

On behalf of my clients, and -(former Security Shift Supervisors at Palisades who were terminated by Entergy), and pursuant to l 0 CFR 2.206, this letter requests that the Agency take escalated enforcement action requiring Entergy (the Licensee) either I) to outsourcc its Security Department to a qualified security contractor, as existed in the past; or, 2) to appoint an independent third-party monitor to develop, implement, and/or monitor, actions to improve the work environment and safety culture within the Palisades Security Department.







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